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  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default Fredricks Celabrated or Fredrick Reynolds

    Are these different razors or are they made by the same manufacture. I'm seeing them both on the bay and don't know how to really look them up. We have to be careful when buying on the bay. I recently won one off the bay that was listed as a wade and butcher. The name had been ground off it did however say Sheffield. When I contacted the seller they refused to refund. I contacted Pay Pal and the first from them was for the seller. I call the Pay Pal back and talked to some one who knew something about razors and there name and I was refunded my money. The sellers photos were fussy. so we must be careful. I was told by pay pal that I did not have to send the razor back but because I got my money back I did send it back. some folks will sell anything.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have both razors. I bought the Freddricks Celebrated to check it out to see what there was to see. Completely different markings and I believe a completely different maker. I have seen no info on Fredricks Celebrated, nor much on Fredrick Reynolds for that matter, but the blades are very similar. Perhaps it was another mocker trying to confuse the maker and capitalize on Reynolds good reputation. I'm sure someone will be along soon enough with real answers. My Google Fu is weak. There are some sketchy seller on the bay.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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