There has been many good reply's. 5/8 or 6/8 either will work just fine. as far as the point for a beginner I would suggest the round point. I really believe you will end up with less blood with the round because of the learning curve of not digging in with the point. As far as the grind I would go with the 1/2 or 1/4 hollow if you can find one. the reason is again the learning curve. getting the angle right. these razors are more forgiving than the full hollow or extra hollow. to many try to start out with the blade at not enough angle or not laying close enough to the face depends on how you look at it. the thinner the blade the more feed back and the more tug on your face if the angle Is not right. last I would watch the videos on shaving from the old timers on utube. they show how on many straight razor subjects from shaving to maintaining the razor. very good info there and here at the place. a lot of knowledgeable folks here. I have from the extra hollow to the full wedge and if used properly they all give good comfortable shave. once you get into the straight razor niche you will find your favorite or in my case favorites. enjoy.