I'm almost two years in, and the one thing that hasn't changed for me is that it's still an awful lot of fun.

I've always loved history, and to be able to learn how to shave with a straight razor, to use tools that are 80-200 years old, to use fine soaps instead of expensive, crap canned goo, let alone not having to use those cartridge razors has been an extraordinary amount of fun, let alone how enjoyable being a member of this community is.

Prices and fads, like bell bottoms and disco balls come and go, and the prices change, but that's true with anything I guess...but for me, two years on, to still feel the same excitement every time I have a shave, the same level of interest to learn more, to see the work of the razor makers and highly skilled restorers, the SOTDs, to have that time as a relaxing moment to start the day, or have a break, well, I hope that part never changes.