Honing a microtome is very similar to honing a wood chisel.
Tape the spine or the gutter peak - which ever protrudes more - and use that as your hone angle.
Do 10 laps with the bevel side on the hone.
Flip it over and do three passes with the flat side, flat on the hone.
Repeat until you get the bevel set.
Run a curved slip stone through the gutter, if it has one, to smooth it up and even it out.
Move to the higher grits until you get the sharpness you desire (they do well finishing on a black Arkansas).

They strop well on a bench strop, I haven't had much luck with a hanging strop and a microtome, the edge seems mellow too much.

And I have yet to shave with one, I just use them for microscope slide preparation. YMMV