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Thread: What is your definition of a custom razor?

  1. #51
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    this is my definition of Custom

    A person designs from scratch (weather detailed or roughed) a razor and has it made by another party or them self as a one off, then that would be a custom.
    So who finishes the job adds scales etc is also not important as long as they are not a set previous design or premade option as such.
    EG: I sketch a design from my imagination, I ask Bruno to make the blade portion, then either one of us or a 3rd party (say Glen) makes the scales & finishes the razor to my original unique design.
    this a custom as many have in their collections

    if someone copies this design & makes another it is not a custom, it is a copy,

    But is the original still a custom???

    I think that just changing or selecting different existing options for an existing razor or design may be classed as customizing but definitely not custom in the full sense
    this is JMHO
    eg I ordered my new production car, I chose all the available options I wanted & some that were not on the options list to change it as I wanted when I ordered it,
    This is not a custom car, it is a production car with optional extras, as there could a 100 cars of the model with the exact same options list as mine somewhere in the country.
    just because I haven't seen one doesn't mean it isn't out there.

    the same would apply with a premade/production razor with optional scales etc.

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  2. #52
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I dunno. Lots of guys build custom cars which are truly one-of-a-kind. Things are done in a way which no one else has done.

    Some do it for a customer using a customer's ideas. Still, working within the customer's wishes, the builder must do what he does and compromises must sometimes be made. Many builders don't want to and will not do certain things. After all, his name is on the car. Some build custom cars with no buyer in mind and soon find an ass which fits the seat perfectly. I deem either a custom if it is truly unique.

    As in razor makers, some build what they want and soon, someone will have to have it. As long as it is unique and not produced in numbers, I consider it a custom made razor. The maker built it as he saw fit and is proud of the outcome, current buyer or not. If truly a fine maker, someone will come along and just have to have it.

    I suppose what some have commissioned turns out to be a monster with issues. Cars or Razors.
    A great maker will not be concerned with a customer's weird desires as much as what his name goes on.

    I have a Charlie Lewis razor. I did not commission it, nor have any input on it's features. But when I saw it, I wanted it.
    I know there may be some he has/will make which may be close, but not quite the same.
    I definitely consider it a custom razor. JMO
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  3. #53
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance View Post
    ok what is this classed as:
    I ( the maker) take a piece of 25*6*100 bar with no design as in mind
    heat & beat the steel to a shape that evolves as I go
    then grind & finish this RSO into a razor

    is this a custom, an artisan or just a fluke razor ??

    it is a 1 off,
    it may be similar to another somewhere (manly because nearly every razor shape has probably been made by now)
    but is different to all others and unique.

    since this is not hypothetical, this is it so far

    Attachment 203962Attachment 203963
    If you are the customer and you are only making one (or a set if that was the original idea) then yes it is custom, however if you were to put the razor/set up for sale then it wouldn't be custom as the purchaser would not have requested the design.
    what if 3 people collaborated on a razor design an build and 3 of the razor were made, would that be custom? What if each person slightly changed the design?
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  4. #54
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    To me the bottom line comes down to this. For something to be custom, for all things, not just a razor, you the customer have a choice. This choice in what you are getting, makes the end result custom. Whether or not someone else can choose the exact same options as you doesn't make it any less custom. Many of you are trying to place the "custom" aspect on some mighty pedastal, making it out to be much more than it is. Stop putting the "pussy on the pedastal"!
    32t, Substance and feltspanky like this.

  5. #55
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Merriam-Webster definition of custom made:

    : made to fit the needs or requirements of a particular person
    Full Definition of CUSTOM-MADE

    : made to individual specifications <custom–made clothing>
    Related to CUSTOM-MADE
    bespoke (also bespoken), custom, customized, custom-tailored, made-to-order, tailored, tailor-made
    mass-produced, ready-made

  6. #56
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    To me the bottom line comes down to this. For something to be custom, for all things, not just a razor, you the customer have a choice. This choice in what you are getting, makes the end result custom. Whether or not someone else can choose the exact same options as you doesn't make it any less custom. Many of you are trying to place the "custom" aspect on some mighty pedastal, making it out to be much more than it is. Stop putting the "pussy on the pedastal"!
    I don't know that it is about making something more than it is or putting anything on pedestals, it is all about accuracy of definition. Is a razor that is basically new but has been honed NOS?
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  7. #57
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    I don't know that it is about making something more than it is or putting anything on pedestals, it is all about accuracy of definition. Is a razor that is basically new but has been honed NOS?
    Open another can of worms!
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  8. #58
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I feel if a razor has been made by a buyer's wishes it was custom made for them. As long as it is unique, it will remain a custom, even as sold to another..
    The same goes for a unique razor built for the maker himself. Made as as he wishes. As he sells it, it still remains a custom.
    Unique is what sets a custom apart for me.
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  9. #59
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    One of a kind Item,cannot and will not be replicated.
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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

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  11. #60
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    One of a kind Item,cannot and will not be replicated.
    Well-said, Bill. Only thing I would add is it must be of high-quality. Otherwise, it is one-off junk. JMO

    A thought, brought on by Utopian's definition above. Custom Made is just that.
    Just as the definition describes.

    'Custom' seems to me to be a quite modern term in comparison.

    I suppose it originated in the 50's or before describing custom cars such as those by Barris.

    I truly don't think things were called 'Customs' before then?
    Could be wrong. Tell me if you can.
    Today, we have 'custom' rifles, etc, and so forth. Some which can be replicated with deep enough pockets. Some seemingly cannot.
    Perhaps acknowledging a difference in definition between 'Custom Made' and just 'Custom' would solve any differences?
    Last edited by sharptonn; 06-15-2015 at 01:36 AM.
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