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Thread: Wapenica razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Default Wapenica razor

    I got it today. It looks cool and I don't think the edge will need much work at all. It appears to be a half hollow grind like I thought. It looks to be the same size as my 5/8 dovo. I bought it because I had heard that a stiffer grind may help with a tougher beard. Now I have been reading that a larger blade may help more than a different grind but I guess we will see. I have no way to sharpen the blade so I guess I will need to send it out to be sharpened. Any takers for this duty?
    Last edited by matt; 05-03-2007 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Lynn does some honing, as well as Glen (Fud). I'm going to have to send my latest purchase to one of them for honing. It is far too nice for me to take a chance on ruining.

  3. #3
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    JoshEarl does honing as well.

    the wapienicas are very stiff, and exceptionally good blades.
    Yesterday I had a proper testshave with the one I will send to FreeBird tomorrow, and the results are very good. BBS shave and it passed the aftershave test with flying colors.

    for those who don't know that test:
    splash alcohol based aftershave on your face after a shave (I use hugo boss because my wife likes it). if it feels cool and tingly, the razor was sharp and your technique was good.
    if it burns a bit, either the technique or the razor was lacking.
    if it feels like you are flayed alive, both were less than perfect.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Sounds good Bruno, that one will go directly into rotation, the Challenge I purchased from ebay will have to be honed.

  5. #5
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Default 5/8?? Neither of mine are!

    Slightly , but about Wapienica blades sooo...

    I just don't get that they're described as 5/8. I have two other straights, a Dovo Bismarck 5/8 and a TI 4/8. Both of my Wapienicas are exactly the same size from spine to edge as my TI, i.e. 4/8. And both are visibly smaller than the Dovo 5/8 (and I am measuring from inside of spine to edge of blade).

    Don't get me wrong, I'm more than satisfied with the Polish blades, have had success in honing one so far, and gave a pretty good shave, so I'm a happy customer.

    But no way are they 5/8. Unless both Dovo and TI operate with a different scale!

  6. #6
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Default 7/8 half hollow

    I would really like a larger half hollow blade. If I can not get good shaves out my dovo 5/8 how do you think this one will perform?? The razor Lynn uses in his DVD looks about right. Although I am sure it is one of a kind.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    Slightly , but about Wapienica blades sooo...

    I just don't get that they're described as 5/8. I have two other straights, a Dovo Bismarck 5/8 and a TI 4/8. Both of my Wapienicas are exactly the same size from spine to edge as my TI, i.e. 4/8. And both are visibly smaller than the Dovo 5/8 (and I am measuring from inside of spine to edge of blade).

    Don't get me wrong, I'm more than satisfied with the Polish blades, have had success in honing one so far, and gave a pretty good shave, so I'm a happy customer.

    But no way are they 5/8. Unless both Dovo and TI operate with a different scale!
    Mark - If I understand the measuring properly, you should measure from the top of the spine to the bottom of the edge to get 5/8 or any other size. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt View Post
    I would really like a larger half hollow blade. If I can not get good shaves out my dovo 5/8 how do you think this one will perform?? The razor Lynn uses in his DVD looks about right. Although I am sure it is one of a kind.

    I have this Wapienica razor and LOVE it. It honed up so easily, even for this novice, and I enjoy it's extra weight and the half hollow. It shaves like a dream, too.

  9. #9
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    My only complaint with them is the weight is predominantly in the handle which makes for a dodgy balance. I will rescale mine when I have time with some nice hand made scales.

  10. #10
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    I concur with the measurement Marks's defo 4/8 compared with my normal shave 5/8...

    It arrived today with almost no bevel visible at all...I am lookin forward to the challenge!

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