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Thread: RAD

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 57vert View Post
    RAD definitely is real, and can be consuming. I've been into wet shaving for two years and straights for a year. Over the last year I've purchased about a hundred straights....maybe more, I don't count. I luckily have a little "hobby" slush fund to play with. A few weeks ago I was scouring ebay for my next purchase and I thought do I REALLY need another? That's when I went and looked into my "to do" razors that need clean up and honing. There were about 30 razors staring back at me. With Summer here and other activities I'll never make it through that box for months, so I closed the ebay window of my browser. The reality just hit me and I was like, okay, I'm done for a while. Two weeks without a purchase! Thank you for your support.

    Oh wait, I lied, I stopped at an estate sale this last weekend and picked up a dubl duck Wonderedge for $5 in nice condition. But, just couldn't pass that up. I guess I should clarify, no ebay purchases.
    It's ok to slip up once in awhile! Thanks for the input!

    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    aren't lifetimes thin and lightweight?
    I guess it's all personal preference.

    Quote Originally Posted by wayne394 View Post
    I'm affected by RAD. My only tip to prevent wasting money on the Bay is, if you see something you like, decide what it's worth to you, what you can afford, then whatever you do, don't bid more than that. If you don't win it, it just wasn't meant to be! It's all to easy to get into a bidding war and pay far, far over the value of item.
    I like that & I have felt the same, if you don't win, it just wasn't meant to be! I stay out of bidding wars. Rarely will the item remain low & some will put many bids all in a row in small increments just to try & throw people off, then the outcome ends up being reasonable, but like I said, it is only on very rare occasion.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Nice article. Definitely something that affected me. Every cent of my spending allowance was spent on razors for a while. If I bid on the bay now it is after scouring out a deal after days of searching and I know what I have to spend and just place a max bid close to the end. Saves on running up the cost. Some just do lowest possible bids till they get one to stick And can run it up in the end. Now days I'm just as likley to save for something nice as buy something cheap to restore
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy79 View Post
    Nice article. Definitely something that affected me. Every cent of my spending allowance was spent on razors for a while. If I bid on the bay now it is after scouring out a deal after days of searching and I know what I have to spend and just place a max bid close to the end. Saves on running up the cost. Some just do lowest possible bids till they get one to stick And can run it up in the end. Now days I'm just as likley to save for something nice as buy something cheap to restore
    That's great eddy! I'm pretty experienced on eBay so I also watch them closely & sometimes see bidding wars start which is ridiculous but eBay loves it! I have pretty much gotten it under control, one because of my money & two because even though I like some, sometimes I just have to pass on them. We all have there priority's to address before buying a straight.

  4. #14
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    Lots of good advice here especially regarding eBay bidding. I'm also at a point where if I see something I like I decide how much I'm willing to pay for it and wait for the bidding to end. If I don't win then it's not meant for me and I'll wait for another one to show up. It's been working so far as I haven't won any overpriced razors.
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  5. #15
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Engine - you need to develop PBAD - Paragragh Break Acquistion Disorder.

    Very hard to read your post without some friendly rest stops on the way...

  6. #16
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    aren't lifetimes thin and lightweight?
    I guess you missed my, it has to appeal to me and my odd and rare comments!!

    The whole time I've owned it I've used it once! It's one of those that helped me realize I don't like thin and light weight.
    Last edited by Scareface; 07-05-2015 at 09:51 PM.
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    It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuckshaver View Post
    Lots of good advice here especially regarding eBay bidding. I'm also at a point where if I see something I like I decide how much I'm willing to pay for it and wait for the bidding to end. If I don't win then it's not meant for me and I'll wait for another one to show up. It's been working so far as I haven't won any overpriced razors.

    Canuckshaver, I agree with you 100%. If I bid on something & I don't win it, it wasn't meant to be & there will be other's later. It usually winds up that you might win one later for less! Thank you for your post!

  8. #18
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    Stole this off of SRP for Facebookers:
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    Smarter than I look or, not as dumb as I look. Whichever you prefer.

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  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Engine - you need to develop PBAD - Paragragh Break Acquistion Disorder.

    Very hard to read your post without some friendly rest stops on the way...
    Phrank, I know I tend to go into a lot of detail at times but I think I'm getting that under control now too...................
    sharptonn, edhewitt and Phrank like this.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

    Phrank (07-23-2015)

  12. #20
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    Phrank, I know I tend to go into a lot of detail at times but I think I'm getting that under control now too...................
    LOL - detail is fine...breaks in your thoughts so we can enjoy them, perfect!

    Always like what you have to say, just a large block of text with no paragraph breaks, especially on smaller devices, makes it very difficult to read, the lines tend to blur together and you easily lose your place.
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  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

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