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  1. #1
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    Default Dubl Duck Shrimp

    Has anyone ever heard of a Dubl Duck Shrimp?

  2. #2
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    it's absolutely delicious with a little lemon juice... oh wait...nevermind

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Actually cocktail sauce is better.

    I think you mean a Double Duck Dwarf. Its kind of a small razor. The one I have is kind of stubby and is inbetween a 3/8s and 4/8s.
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  4. #4
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    No, but I have a NOS Dubl Duck "Baby" that will be sold late this year.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I think you mean a Double Duck Dwarf. Its kind of a small razor. The one I have is kind of stubby and is inbetween a 3/8s and 4/8s.
    I bought this online last week and it's just arrived. Though it was listed as a DD Shrimp I assumed that was a mistake and I was buying a Dwarf. It was listed as having a ivory scales and that's partly why I wanted it.

    Anyway it arrived and no, it is indeed a "DD Shrimp." Bresnick, NY. Hammered finish. About 4/8. The scales are bone, not ivory. They appear to be original, but I'm no expert. Kind of a cool little razor, and it's in nice shape with little hone wear.

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    i think i speak for everyone when i ask:

    could you post some pictures please. sounds interesting

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, I can tell you that none of the DDs ever came with anything but celluloid scales so they are probably redone. I still don't buy the shrimp model. There were other companies at the time that sold razors intending to fool the public into believing they were DDs but they weren't. As a matter of fact there is one up for sale on Eboy right now. Its listed as a Twin Duck Special #1 and has the two duck logo on it but on the rear has a company in Buffalo, N.Y.

    We would definitely like to see a picture of this one.
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    I'll post some pictures today and you can judge.

    On one side it says "Dubl Duck Shrimp" and has the usual two ducks.

    On the reverse there's a kind of arch, across the top of which is written "Made in Germany. Within the arch there are two very tiny ducks (which judging from their body posture are gliding on water rather than moving about on land) above the words "Bresnick, New York."

    In other words, it might be a counterfeit, but it's not a knockoff.
    Last edited by dylandog; 05-08-2007 at 12:50 PM.

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    Default pics attached

    Here are some pics. I added an angled pic so you can see the hammered finish. Very odd razor; I'm ready to hear what the Duke of Ducks and other experts have to say...
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  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, thats sure a queer duck you have there. I have a bunch of them including a bunch of Bresnicks from before they even started using the DD logo and before they used Ducks on the razors. What's different about yours is 1-the hammered tang, 2-Ducks on both sides of the tang and Ducks that are different from one side to the other. Bresnick as far as I know only used ducks on one side and they were always walking ducks,3-The Ducks I have, some are not marked as to manufacture and the rest just say Solingen germany, none are marked made in Germany. And lastly that shrimp thing.

    Of course its possible you have a very unusual model. I have a lifetime Bresnick that makes no mention of Double Duck and has no Ducks on the tang and as a matter of fact has a single rooster on the tang. So who knows? Maybe there is someone out there with a vintage DD catalogue with all the models. So I have my doubts but you may yet have the last quack here!
    Last edited by thebigspendur; 05-09-2007 at 03:20 AM.
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