Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
At one time, the Grim Blade people got Theirs Issard's & put their name on the blade but they were still stamped with the TI markings on the tang. That was the only good Grim razor that was worth having but the rest were junk which is why they are listed in the section of "Brands of Straight Razors to Avoid". I don't know if they still do that. Here's the link to the ones to avoid:

Brands of Straight Razors to Avoid - Straight Razor Place Library

Here are the good ones that you would be happy with & there are more that aren't listed:

Good Straight Razor Brands - Straight Razor Place Library
To be honest I do plan on getting a Dovo razor in order to replace my straight edge razor now that some smart person at home wet my storage box in where I keep my razor and it got some rust in it. I need to replace it and also get a few new ones to alternate whenever I ship one out to get it honed and the others to have it close to me for my use.