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Thread: Stephen Fowler Smiling Razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Stephen Fowler Smiling Razor

    I got this for myself for my Birthday over the summer and have been learning it since then. It's a heavy sucker, and it took a while to get the edge dialed in to where it needs to be. Since I got that done, it's a very powerful razor! W2 steel, has a hamon, but it's hard to see in the pics.

    I like the handle twist and the curly tail, give very good control over the thick, wide, heavy blade! I will often use this when I shave after a few days off of work/no shaving. Plows thru the coarse hairs very well!

    Heavy grind! It's a weighty razor, so it helps remind me to use light to almost no pressure.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Bryan, TX
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    I have a couple of western styled kamisori's that are pretty hefty also and I also have to remember to use a light touch. Some days it seems like a bit much as far as being weighty. They are both pretty much 8/8 so.........weighty pretty much describes it. I don't know about the twisty tail of yours though. Enjoy your razor and smooth shaves to you.


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