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Thread: Razor ID help... Egiss Crown Solingen

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Razor ID help... Egiss Crown Solingen

    Hi Everyone,

    Picked up this nice looking razor last week, had very small chips in the blade which i have removed, honed on a 6000 waterstone then a quick strop (must get some stropping paste) got the razor to shave nice and close, pulls a little though!

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    Planning on giving it a good polish up and maybe make some nice new wooden scales for it, the plastic ones feel cheap and nasty.

    Whats you guys think?

    Just wondering if any of you could give me some info on the razor??

    I have googled Egiss Crown and got nothing!

    Any one??


  2. #2
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    My brain is failing me, but I have seen an almost identical razor without the etching. Makes me think that this could be a private label job and info will be harder to come by. Someone more knowledgeable will probably chime in.

    The scales are pretty unique and have a nice matching inlay. I vote to keep 'em!

    EDIT: If you are not careful, polishing that etch with take if off lickety split!
    Last edited by dinnermint; 05-11-2016 at 04:09 PM.
    BobH likes this.

  3. #3
    Member wxc1006's Avatar
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    Looking at the stamping there appears to be no makers mark at all, just "solingen". To me this means crown and egiss may have nothing to do with the manufacturer. My guess it's similar to the unmarked souvenir razors labeled only with solingen.

    Still beautiful and probably will be a good shaver.

    Bump for more experienced members to chime in..... [emoji6]

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    My brain is failing me, but I have seen an almost identical razor without the etching. Makes me think that this could be a private label job and info will be harder to come by. Someone more knowledgeable will probably chime in.

    The scales are pretty unique and have a nice matching inlay. I vote to keep 'em!

    EDIT: If you are not careful, polishing that etch with take if off lickety split!
    I won't be polishing the etching, it don't feel that deep to start with, there is some horrible black marks on the spine that i want rid of.

    If I'm not careful folding the razor away the blade will catch one side of the scales, I'm guessing thats where the chips came from and hence it being put up for sale on eBay!

    On the reverse of the shank it does have 10 jahre garantie (10 year guarantee)

    Quote Originally Posted by wxc1006 View Post
    Looking at the stamping there appears to be no makers mark at all, just "solingen". To me this means crown and egiss may have nothing to do with the manufacturer. My guess it's similar to the unmarked souvenir razors labeled only with solingen.

    Still beautiful and probably will be a good shaver.

    Bump for more experienced members to chime in..... [emoji6]
    Im thinking you could be right, I've not been able to find anything out about this razor (though i am a total newbie)

    It is also very light 6/8 razor comes in at 48grams compared to my dovo 5/8 which is 42grams considering the size difference?

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    Appreciate your input guys



  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Sorry no info on the maker.

    I think you have a very nice vintage German razor complete with worked spine, great etch and original scales. If it were me I'd keep it all original scales and all.

    Even though the blade is 1/8 inch bigger than the Dovo it may be even more hollow ground than the Dovo. Some of those German razors have extremely fine grinds that are hard to duplicate today.

    I would not be too concerned about the maker not being stamped on the blade. I have at least one Solingen blade with no makers mark but it shaves as well as any other Solingen razor I have with a makers mark.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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