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Thread: Razor Solingen-"finest silver steel solingen germany" - Is this a fake solingen razor

  1. #1
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    Default Razor Solingen-"finest silver steel solingen germany" - Is this a fake solingen razor

    Hello Guys,

    I'd like to ask for some help here. There is a Solingen razor that I'm interested to buy, but I'm not sure if it is original or a fake razor. There information I have about this razor is what is written in the blade "finest silver steel solingen germany" and the original box (I hope it is the original....). There is nothing written on the other side of the blade... and the written seems to be superficial, like painted, instead of forged with the blade. The guy is selling it for U$40. Do you guys have any idea if it's fake or not?


    Here are some pics:

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That laser etch looking mark is from later production razors. I don't think it would be worth anyones time to fake a razor like that. I would expect it to be legit. If you use the search box in the top right you can find out a little more. Apparently they are decent shavers.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    It's a genuine Elixio razor. Definitely later half of 20th century.
    They are kind of a plain Jane razor, but shave well.

    That one has some issue going on with it's heel. It was definitely honed into the stabilizer. Looks like they messed up the toe as well.
    So it will need a full rehone/restoration on the blade.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    Have a look in the classified section, there is at least 3 going for $40 and one is going shave ready all in better shape than the one your looking at.

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    Leandrofsouza (05-12-2016)

  7. #5
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    Thank you all. I'll take a better look on the forum. Here in Brazil is kind of hard to find a good razor in a shave ready shape. I was wondering to acquire this one to work on the restoration to bring it back to life. I still need to buy the honning stones and learn the hone techniques.

    I'd love to buy a goof razor, but the shipping service to Brazil normally are expensive, and any item with the cost higher than U$50 would have addition taxes (really high...more than 100% fo the original cost). This is the reason why doesn't worth to buy some items from other countries. Otherwise, I would have a nice razor already.

    Again, thank you guys for the tips.
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  8. #6
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Seems legit. Not much faking going on in the razor world that I am aware of to date. But give it time and they will I am sure!
    Leandrofsouza likes this.
    German blade snob!

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