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Thread: I bought a beautiful razor but the scales are loose

  1. #1
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    Default I bought a beautiful razor but the scales are loose

    Hi guys. I bought an A.Witte Gold Bug straight razor and it is my most favorite razor I have owned (I haven't owned that much). It has very light honing, the condition and such are nice as well. My problem is the loose blade. I brought it to a sharp shop that tried to tighten it a little bit but it still slips out easily when turned upside down or sideways. I have a choice to either return it to the person I bought it from or keep it and send it to someone here to see if they can tighten it enough to where the blade is "stiff" or snug inside the scales when turned upside down. If it doesn't work out, I might sell it and lose some of the money I spent on it and shipping it around. Should I keep it and bite the bullet and pay extra money to send it to someone in hopes they can try to tighten it or should I just return it? I am torn because I love everything else about this razor and I planned on getting rid of my boker edelweiss and dovo forestal to keep this one. Is it just a razor that will always be really loose? I bought it under the presumption that it was snug but yeah. I do not want to try to tighten it myself. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Well pretty much anyone that you send it to for honing will tighten that pin up for you without a thought. Send it out and get it honed and everything will be fine. Perhaps you would like to include a picture? Not that we need to see a loose pin but razors are very cool and everyone here likes to see them.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    You need a small jewelers anvil and a small ball pein or jewelers hammer to place the pins on carefully and lightly tap the pins to essentially smush them together a tad to tighten up.
    German blade snob!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I just noticed your location. Max is right there, and he hones and he does really nice work.
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  5. #5
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    Okay. I like the razor enough to keep it and I'll send it out to get honed and hopefully tightened to my liking. If it cannot be tightened to not slip out when upside down, then I guess Ill bite the bullet of the money I spent on it and maybe sell it here. I like it enough to risk money to try to save it for me. Ill try to post a picture later. By the way, Max is not easy for me to get to in person. I would probably have to call him some days or the day before, prepare to bring some food and water on me and a bag, and prepare to make that the journey of my day. =p
    Last edited by Ponypox; 05-13-2016 at 01:50 AM.

  6. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ponypox View Post
    I can't really get to max in person. He is not easy for me to get to and I would imagine I would have to call him, prep a day and some lunch/full phone battery to try to get to him, lol. My main concern was that I asked some local guy to do it (just some sharp shop guy) and he was afraid to tighten it more because he says he is scared the scales will break. I guess what I am asking is whether the scales will always be loose like that or should I go ahead and keep the razor and send it to someone here to make it snug enough to not open when upside down?
    Max is a member here. Send him a PM. you never know. He does do great work and a master with the hones.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If Max can't tighten that razor ....... it can't be tightened. Send a PM to him and arrange to get it to him. It will be worth it if you really like the razor that much.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    I understand that Max is very respected but I have to stress that at the current moment in time, I CANNOT get to him easily or somewhat send it to him as easily as I would like. I am probably going to ask gssixgun for help. If there are any objections, please let me know but please understand that right now, unless I am mistaken, it is easier for me to access gssixgun than max. I do not want to go into details why because I don't want to give away information regarding where he lives or why I am hesitant in sending him my razor through mail.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    ....... Not that we need to see a loose pin .......
    That made me LOL.

    I should really go to bed.
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    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ponypox View Post
    I understand that Max is very respected but I have to stress that at the current moment in time, I CANNOT get to him easily or somewhat send it to him as easily as I would like. I am probably going to ask gssixgun for help. If there are any objections, please let me know but please understand that right now, unless I am mistaken, it is easier for me to access gssixgun than max. I do not want to go into details why because I don't want to give away information regarding where he lives or why I am hesitant in sending him my razor through mail.
    Glen would be a fine choice, I think Max was brought up because he also live in LV.
    RezDog likes this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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