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Thread: Pair of ERN -- when made?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Burbank, California
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    Default Pair of ERN -- when made?

    I have a pair of ERN razors I am cleaning up. Not a full restore, but a nice cleanup job and honing should make them both good shavers.

    I have the Standard Guide to Razors, Identification and Values (Third Edition) by Roy Ritchie & Ron Stewart. One thing that book does not do is help identify year of manufacture. The book merely states they started manufacturing in 1873. Can anyone help ID the razors below, in terms of when made? Both are ERN, but they are different enough that I believe they were made in different years.

    Name:  ERN Gold 1.jpg
Views: 295
Size:  45.3 KB

    Name:  ERN Gold 2.jpg
Views: 271
Size:  31.4 KB

    This one has a set of gold scales, most likely celluloid. ERN stamped on one side. The other side reads

    Is 916 a model number? Does this give a hint as to year?

    Jimps on same side as edge only, not on top.

    Name:  ERN Black 1.jpg
Views: 332
Size:  52.0 KB

    Name:  ERN Black 2.jpg
Views: 273
Size:  47.5 KB

    This one has a set of black scales. I believe they are also celluloid. ERN stamped on one side. The other side has
    "[crown and sword logo stamp]

    Again, is 415 a model number? Does this give a hint as to year?

    Jimps on same side as edge only, not on top.

    Next to 415, you can see scratch marks near pin from a previous restoration attempt by a previous owner. Must have used a sanding disc or something, as the scratches are pretty deep. Not my work.

    Both had what I believe are slight traces of cell rot, especially where scales touched the blade when closed. I'll keep an eye on them and replace scales if necessary.

    When were these SR made? I was originally thinking 1920s - 1930s, but then found out celluloid was used as early as late 1860s. I am unable to get more specific.

    I am aware of - all about classic razors - Home page and have the book mentioned above, but do not know of any other good resources to find this info myself. Suggestions?


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Unfortunately pinning down the year of manufacture is likely next to impossible. SRs were massed produced items, like knives and spoons, with no serial numbers for record keeping. Any records that did exist were likely destroyed in the bombing during WWII. The best you are likely to be able to do is trace the production down to a time period spanning years.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  3. #3
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    OK...nearest decade?

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    If think the black crown and sword is the order blade
    Stamped not etched and the logo only is pre 1890 rather than the full name and country of origin etc may indicate be post 1890
    But don't quote me LOL
    RezDog likes this.
    to shave another day.

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