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Thread: Razor "balance"

  1. #11
    Close and Comfortable Jfala's Avatar
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    No problem.

  2. #12
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    So has anyone tried to collect the balance of their razor by say adding
    some lead tape (I know this sounds silly).

    But is there a way to easily balance you razor?

  3. #13
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    If I have a choice, I'd rather it be a little blade heavy. That's the important part, and the part you need to control. If the scales are too heavy, they torque the blade around in use, making it much more difficult to control.

  4. #14
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Chandler View Post
    If I have a choice, I'd rather it be a little blade heavy. That's the important part, and the part you need to control. If the scales are too heavy, they torque the blade around in use, making it much more difficult to control.
    Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Heavier blades are my preference, both for shaving and stropping.

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  5. #15
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    The Stag razors are usually going to be a little bit scale heavy because of the nature of the stag and how it has to be cut in order to maintain it's character. Stag scales really need a heavy blade. Wood, plastic and micarta are good options for lighter blades, but with heavy blades, they'll usually end up blade-heavy. Ivory and bone often end up just about right with heavy blades, although they can both be scaled down for lightweight blades, too.

    Personally, I prefer a mid point balance just in front of the pivot pin when the razors are straight. That usually ends up being what feels best in my hand.

  6. #16
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    It's just a feel thing for me. If I've got the razor ready to shave and I can feel the weight of the scales pulling it off balance, I'm unhappy with it. If the blade is heavier than the scales I don't seem to mind as much.


  7. #17
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    The Big Spender is right, I owned Aust, Dovos, Boker, Genco, Ontario and and other famous razors and none have the balance of my Mastro Livi's. When you hold it it just fits your hand like a glove and the shave is effortless. Got 3 with another on the way.

  8. #18
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I don't know if anyone out there is like me or not but when it comes to balance of a razor i really don't notice. i have razors with large blades and small scales and i have razors with thin blades and larger scales. as long as i can hold on the thing and shave with it i'm ok. I must not be experienced enough. :

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    I think the razors balance point should be at the pivot & this is my aim when making new or rescales as it is measurable.

    but this is as noted only relevant for stropping or honing when the blade is fully open,
    where as when the blade is held with the scales at an angle for shaving the rotational torque is different & the scales can feel heavy especially with "Pivot balanced" heavy near wedge blades, versus as full hollow blade with no weight in the scales or wedge

    but at the end of the day I think it all comes down to getting used to the razor you have & use & getting the muscle memory & technique that works for that razor, if you only have 1 razor (as most did) you should not have a problem, as they say "our brains adapt to use what is available"

    now this might become an issue for those who have large rotations, as you don't get the full chance to get used to a certain razors feel & balance as well as only having 1
    I think this is why many find that their shaves improve if they use the same razor for several shaves rather than just once then move onto the next in rotation

    I think I am going to have to take note of all my str8s in future & check the balance of them & see if they are pivot balanced or not & how they feel in shave position verses the balance point

    this is just my ramblings & YMMV
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    to shave another day.

  10. #20
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I came to the conclusion that those old farts that have been doing this for the past 300 years or so might have known a thing or two and noted that most Vintage razors happen to balance to the same spot you hold on to them..

    Like most tools do, imagine that

    Also JMHO and observation but balance becomes more of an issue when you are Stropping and Honing rather then shaving,, so when the razor is fully open

    Name:  balance.jpg
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    Name:  Balence 2.jpg
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    (note the monkey tail and it still balances)

    I stopped using the finger as a balance point long ago as it just too easy to cheat doing that

    I have a "special" nail in the shop I use when building them hehehe

    If you simply keep balance in mind when you are building scales it really isn't that hard in fact you pretty much have to toss function out the window and build simply for form to get it wrong

    ps; This topic can cause much contention out there in razordom
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-17-2016 at 11:07 PM.
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