Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
I don't claim to be an expert, you are fortunate that others who can frequent the forum and will doubtless respond though.

I am under the impression that if you have any active corrosion you would be well advised to have it removed. Once rust gets a toe hold it will spread. If you get any rust removed and oil the blade you wouldn't have to use it or have it honed but you could ensure the blade will last for a great time to come.

Congratulations on getting your grandfathers razor by the way.
My grandfather was a barber and I inherited his razor but due to celluloid rot the blade and handle were completely destroyed (turned to dust). I was able to identify the make/model and obtain a duplicate though which is still nice but certainly no replacement for a true heirloom.

Sorry to hear about your grandfather's razor.

You make a good point that I hadn't thought of in that I should have the rust removed and the blade oiled at the very least. I don't dare try it though so I will have to get someone to do it for me.

Thanks for the advice