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Thread: Custom razors

  1. #11
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Hey I have a JC custom on order.. I'll be surprised if it outperforms the top 3 in my rotation (those 3 cost me a grand total of about $60 which includes shipping one of them from the UK and te other from the USA). While I still expect it to be a great shaver, the reason I am getting it is that it will be made absolutely to my specifications. Unusual size, unusual file-work, non-standard scale material and the monkey-tail. In addition to that, Joe does amazing work and I'd like to support the artist. Fortunately I got on the bandwagon before he became too famous

  2. #12
    Senior Member EdinLA44's Avatar
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    I think it's the exclusivity and craftsmanship that makes it worth it. I'll have some customs some day.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Like I said in my razor review the Customs are all fantastic razors but shaving quality is not the reason to buy one. Personally I think no newbee should buy one. You really need to be an experienced shaver to really appreciate these razors plus a newbee is more likely to mess one up either stropping or honing.

    At any rate if you can fit it in yout budget its the quality and uniqness and the idea that one guy made this thing and the visuals. Thats the reason to buy one.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Like I said in my razor review the Customs are all fantastic razors but shaving quality is not the reason to buy one. Personally I think no newbee should buy one. You really need to be an experienced shaver to really appreciate these razors plus a newbee is more likely to mess one up either stropping or honing.

    At any rate if you can fit it in yout budget its the quality and uniqness and the idea that one guy made this thing and the visuals. Thats the reason to buy one.
    That is probably true but at 385 dollars that olivewood 7/8ths is tempting.

  5. #15
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt View Post
    That is probably true but at 385 dollars that olivewood 7/8ths is tempting.
    The first Livi i acquired was a 7/8 spanish point ats34 in olivewood. it is a superb shaver.
    it may just whet your appetite for more though.
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  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just remember this, I warned all of you if you buy a Maestro you won't want to use your other razors and then you'll want more maestro's and you won't be able to help yourself and you'll max out your credit then your wife will kick you out and a downward spiral will start in your life. Next thing you know you'll be on skid row toting a box full of Maestro razors in an old shopping cart.
    Haroldg48 and jkatzman like this.
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  7. #17
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Oh sure you warn me now I took the first step down that slippery highway to the Maestro's lair six months ago, not that i mind much. i have to remind myself to use other razors generally twice a week... but when a new one arrives... it needs to be used everyday until it is dull, then you remember all the others.
    fortunately, or not, still am using cash of course there is always the college funds to raid... maybe the kids will get scholarships.

    But in seriousness your advice should be heeded. it takes a while and at least a half dozen razors to figure out what you relally like shaving with. Once you have used them all for a while then start thinking about expensive and custom razors. Wouldn't it suck t odrop several hundred dollars on a razor and then decide that you really are much more comfortable with a DE... and so is the wife?
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762 View Post
    Found the link. This one is the one I was talking about.

    Hammered diamond spine inspired by the TI Pierre Thiers LE
    Tip shape from a Puma #38
    Curvature by Wostenholm
    Grind from a Waterville
    Hammered shank inspired by a Robeson Shuredge
    Jimping from a different Waterville
    Thumb notch from a Heljstrand
    Thinned shank from an Joh. Engstrom
    Scales inspired by a Morely
    That's very close to what I'm hoping to have made one of these days. Nice.

  9. #19
    Senior Member ucliker's Avatar
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    I agree with syslight! i started shaving with a straight 4 months ago and my first real razor was a 5/8 Kinfolks Blue Steel Special from Lynn. I stated in the beginning i didn't like any blade bigger than 5/8, now after trying over 30 razors i really like the heft and size of the 6/8 and up blades so now im saving for a custom. So for the new guys you wont no what you really like until you've experienced just about every size, shape of razor out there!

  10. #20
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    I have experienced a few, TI half hollow Sheffield in a 6/8 5/8 wapienica/ 9/16 wapieica, Dovo 5/8 quality full hollow, W&B 7/8 wedge, and A Sheffield damascus. I have to say that I prefer the larger and heavier razors so far. My favorite being the W&B.

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