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Thread: How many shaves?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I enjoy honing, even if just for the sake of it. So it's pretty rare that my razors get to the point where they need a touch up. The longest I've gone without honing a blade is a month of stropping on linen/leather and shaving with just that one blade. And it was still fine, I just broke down and honed it out of boredom. So they can go quite a while if you care for them right.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    I enjoy honing, even if just for the sake of it. So it's pretty rare that my razors get to the point where they need a touch up. The longest I've gone without honing a blade is a month of stropping on linen/leather and shaving with just that one blade. And it was still fine, I just broke down and honed it out of boredom. So they can go quite a while if you care for them right.
    Yes, that is my issue as well. I enjoy fiddling around with hones so I have no idea how long a razor will go without me having to touch it up or hone it. I started an experiment so see if I can use just one razor, an Iwasaki that I got recently, until it actually needs to go on a stone.

  3. #3
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Some of mine seem to last years, I touch them up with a CrOx when they start to need it. I have never done a shave # count so I'm not sure on actual numbers
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  4. #4
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    I keep track of my shaves and after 2 -3 shaves I use CrOx to touch it up and then after 5 - 6 shaves I touch it up on my finishing stones. I like to keep the edges very sharp and I have some tough stubble. I am also a 4 pass shaver. I probably touch my razors sooner than needed but I don't want to have one pull or give me irritation.

    For DE blades it is two shaves and done.
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  6. #5
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    I have a number of razors, but I generally only shave with one. Most of my facial hair is very coarse, so even with a shower and a good soaking, it still takes its toll on the edge. I have a few fine hairs below my bottom lip, and I can tell my edge is going when it fails to cut these hairs. That's usually about 15-20 shaves. I've started stropping with CrOx every few shaves to try to extend the time between touch ups on the hone. I haven't been doing it enough to notice a difference yet.
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  7. #6
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    Yeah! Whoope, giddy up. Just love that perspective. You done made me feel happy about my stoning. It seems to me that honing SR's is an on going experimentation.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan656 View Post
    Yes, that is my issue as well. I enjoy fiddling around with hones so I have no idea how long a razor will go without me having to touch it up or hone it. I started an experiment so see if I can use just one razor, an Iwasaki that I got recently, until it actually needs to go on a stone.
    I kind of tried that. Mostly I was checking to see how good my stopping had become. After a solid month without touching a stone, and 6 total using only that razor and the Norton 4/8 I needed to hone something. Even if it was just to justify the money spent on hones!

    My current experiment is just different razors on different finishers. It's getting hard to remember what rock was used on which razor though! And I have new rocks inbound, so I may need to expand the razor collection a smidge...
    Last edited by Marshal; 02-24-2017 at 05:14 PM.
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  9. #8
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I did the shave till it dies once. Only used linen and leather.

    Got four months out of it but it was a bit on the rough side the last week or so.
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  10. #9
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    Marshal, what's your wife say about all that. Mine goes nuts when I get a razor or want another stone.

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glock27 View Post
    Marshal, what's your wife say about all that. Mine goes nuts when I get a razor or want another stone.
    Hahaha, well I don't have one of those yet. But when I bring a new girlfriend home I do have to throw a sheet over the hone shelf & hide razor collection/paraphernalia. Can't show 'em your eccentricity too early, might spook 'em away.

    Edit: I'm hoping to have one of just about every hone before I get to the point I'm ready to settle down and have to get someone else's OK before spending my money.
    Last edited by Marshal; 02-24-2017 at 05:19 PM.
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