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Thread: J A Henckles razors table: models, sizes, types, grounds, etc

  1. #1
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Default J A Henckles razors table: models, sizes, types, grounds, etc

    Hello folks
    I've been collecting some information for this razors, (i have a few of them) and as you all know they are amazing.. but sometimes there are blades that have been cut or fixed in Japan, so maybe this table will help to detect any irregularities.. and also will help to go look for the model you want exactly based on material type, ground and size.
    maybe whe this is more polished it can be moved to the wiki?

    anyway, this is what i have gathered from forums and auctions, but the idea is that we all collaborate with the knowledge and fix this the best possible.

    Here's what i have so far:


    J.A. Henckles (also referred as Zwilling or the "Twins")

    Steel Type
    Zwillingswerk = Carbon Steel
    Fridour = Inox/Stainless (Ice hardened 440C)

    Model Size (normally the number is on the tang):

    4/8" (to 9/16):
    59, 89(9/16-1/4 hollow)

    5/8" (to 11/16):
    50, 51, 56 (near wedge), 70, 80, 94, 410, 415, 401 (extra hollow)

    6/8 (to 13/16)
    60,72,250,472,774, 10072(logo has just one of the twins)

    7/8 (to 15/16):


    Suffix (in the tang, to the right of the model number)

    1/2 = rounded
    -V = 1/4 Hollow (normally they are half or full hollow, less so extra or 1/4 hollow)


    I've seen this models but on razors with so much hone wear that it would be difficult to say the original size, please comment if you know for sure:
    14 = ??
    78 = ??
    66 = ??
    113 = ??
    honing my mind...

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to gabrielcr78 For This Useful Post:

    nipper (06-16-2017), SemperFi (06-15-2017), Srdjan (06-15-2017)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The 14's were 8/8
    the 78 I cannot verify because I am at work until the 4 of July, but I think is 5/8
    the 66 15/16
    113 I cannot verify but I think it is 7/8
    gabrielcr78 likes this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to RezDog For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
    Senior Member MichaelS's Avatar
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    Nice initiative!

    Here's a few more I didn't see in your table (and note there are ones with no number at all):


    - 57, quarter hollow
    - 65, quarter hollow

    6/8 - 13/16

    - 8, near wedge
    - 34, near wedge
    - 216, near wedge
    - 1072, half hollow, covered tang

    5/8 - 11/16

    - 38, near wedge
    - 52, quarter hollow
    - 81, near wedge
    - 170, half hollow
    - 177, quarter hollow
    - 852, near wedge

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MichaelS For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
    Senior Member SemperFi's Avatar
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    Awesome thread, gentleman--thank you for sharing this information!

    I was just hunting the web the other evening for this exact Henckles info. that you all have generously shared!
    Last edited by SemperFi; 06-15-2017 at 11:50 PM.
    gabrielcr78 likes this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to SemperFi For This Useful Post:

    gabrielcr78 (07-27-2017)

  9. #5
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Here's last info updated as of June 15th, 2017 (thanks to RezDog and Michael S for their contribution)


    J.A. Henckles (also referred as Zwilling or the "Twins")

    Steel Type
    Zwillingswerk = Carbon Steel
    Fridour = Inox/Stainless (Ice hardened 440C)

    Suffix (in the Tangot Tail, normally to the right of the model number)
    1/2 = rounded
    -V = 1/4 Hollow (normally they are half or full hollow, less so extra or 1/4 hollow)

    Model Size (normally the number is on the tang, also trying to include the grinding +/-):

    4/8" (to 9/16):
    89(9/16-1/4 hollow)

    5/8" (to 11/16):
    28 (full hollow)
    38 (near wedge)
    50(half hollow)
    52 (quarter hollow)
    56 (near wedge)
    80 (full hollow)
    81 (near wedge)
    94 (full hollow)
    170(half hollow)
    177 (quarter hollow)
    401 (bellied hollow)
    410 (extra hollow)
    415 (full hollow)
    852 (near wedge)
    Iroquois (full hollow, Tang also reads "Weed&Co Buffalo N.Y.")

    6/8 (to 13/16)
    8 (near wedge)
    34 (near wedge)
    72 (full hollow)
    84 (full hollow)
    216 (near wedge)
    10072(half hollow logo has just one of the twins, some have covered tang)

    7/8 (to 15/16):
    57 (quarter hollow)
    65 (quarter hollow)


    Here are other models but on razors with so much hone wear that it would be difficult to say the original size, please comment/confirm if you know original size for sure:
    78 = 5/8??
    113 = 7/8??
    SemperFi likes this.
    honing my mind...

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    SemperFi (06-17-2017)

  11. #6
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    Hey, my 177 is half hollow

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
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  12. #7
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info. Now I can look mine up.

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