It has already been said, but I don't believe that those brands are sought after at all. They are simply the three main manufacturers that still make good products.

As others have said look to the grind and shape of a blade, but the thing is until you try you won't know what you like. My first razor was like many others a 5/8" full hollow round point Dovo best quality. It is often recommended for beginners as it is easy to handle and doesn't have extra sharp bits on the end like a square point would have. The thing is, I would say that it is now my least favourite razor. It shaves every bit as well as all of my others, I am just not a huge fan of a full hollow. Many others love the hollow grinds, but I just don't like the sound it makes.

I have ventured a little in to the vintage market and a little into the custom market too and they are all great. I would say if you are looking for a quality new razor that is on par in terms of price to the ones you listed, but maybe has a little more of a "custom feel" you could look to Ralf Aust.

Good luck and enjoy.