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Thread: Burrell Cutlery

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Burrell Cutlery

    In 1940, my grandparents Harold and Addie Case Burrell, started Burrell Cutlery Co, Inc. I closed the company in 2006. During the 1940's and very early 1950's, we manufactured Top Flight straight razors as well as other brands. I have facts and information that I probably should share.

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Johnburrell For This Useful Post:

    ajkenne (08-22-2018), BobH (08-22-2018), earcutter (08-22-2018), Gasman (08-22-2018), Geezer (08-22-2018), JBHoren (08-22-2018), MikeT (08-22-2018), onimaru55 (08-22-2018), outback (08-22-2018), sharptonn (08-22-2018), Speedster (08-22-2018)

  3. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Welcome to the group. Are you a new straight razor user? Been at it for a while? Do you ha e a bunch of your familys razors? Tell us more.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!
    I'm familiar with Top Flight razors. Nice shavers.
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  5. #4
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    I've never used one (as yet). I do have a few and I have memories of being in the factory as a young boy watch our craftsmen manufacturing them.

  6. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Welcome John,

    It would be great if you can share your knowledge, memories, and any information you like. The best, may be only way, to preserve valuable history is to keep sharing it!

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    sharptonn (08-22-2018), Speedster (08-22-2018)

  8. #6
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Palace & don't forget to post pictures
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  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I am intrigued and would like to know more. Of course pictures are always great.
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  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome to the forum. Personally, any information about straight razor history and any related photos would be greatly appreciated. I am sure others feel the same way. There are many blanks on the subject that need filling in concerning particular makers. Please feel free to help fill in some of those blanks.

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  11. #9
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Welcome and thank you for sharing, I agree with the above...

    Very cool! You have my undivided attention

    EDIT: Do you have pics? Any family heirloom razors? Is your wife related to W R Case? I know I've got a Top Flight razor somewhere around here I'll try to get pics.
    Last edited by MikeT; 08-22-2018 at 11:19 AM.
    Geezer and sharptonn like this.
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  12. #10
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Welcome, John!

    It does my heart good to see you here.
    You must understand I am quite a fan of the razors from Ellicotteville. A bit obsessive, I suppose!

    A few here from a long while back....

    More recently, a few more restored... A pair of 5/8

    Name:  Top Flight.jpg
Views: 336
Size:  42.3 KB

    Name:  sotd 8 4 18 002.jpg
Views: 323
Size:  50.5 KB

    A couple of 6/8 examples are also in the works.
    Time has not been kind to the wartime-production cheap yellow scales, so I try to find suitable substitutes from other damaged American examples.
    To my knowledge, No other American-made razor was ever ground so precisely and indeed, so thinly.

    I have tried to put together a story of this here;

    The thread is regrettably full of inaccuracies, heresy, and legend.
    My friend Martin is a fine scholar/historian who came up with some things there.

    In fact, I have spoken on the phone with Carl III and have met Carl IV personally as he was in my city attending school.
    They have lost much history and surely recommended my speaking with you as you would remember more than they. Indeed, CarlIII provided me your phone # which has been here for me to call, yet life has gotten in the way the last several years.
    I hope I may go now and wake-up the thread, announce your presence, and perhaps you may be so gracious as to sort the history of the fine blades from Ellicotteville as well as endow the forum info of your family story.
    The Case lore is Fascinating! .

    Too long, I know, But I am sometimes accused of carrying-on and showing-off.

    Again, Welcome to the BEST razor forum!

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    MikeT (08-22-2018)

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