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  1. #11
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    Default Another smelly one

    I'm a pipe smoker and what you guys are describing is the same thing that happens to vulcanite pipe stems (bits).
    The only sure fire way to get the surface sulfur out of the vulcanite on a pipe stem is too soak it in either bleach or oxyclean and then it will turn a whitish color.
    After it turns color you buff it out on a buffing wheel using buffing compounds such as jeweler's rouge.
    Now I have absolutely no idea what either of these compounds would do to the blades so I am not recommending doing this unless you want to experiment or if you take the scales off, but it will get rid of the smell and the discolor.

  2. #12
    Member Shur's Avatar
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    I've noticed that the smell from the scales isn't nearly as bad as it originally was, so either it's fading or I'm getting better at keeping the scales dry when I shave (the scales have no odour when dry, only when wet).

    This is one of my top 2 shavers so I guess it's also possible that I'm becoming accustomed to it.

    Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I don't have either the skills or the tools to disassemble the razor and clean it up, but I think I'll finally try that wax I've got tomorrow.

    DwarvenChef: I noticed the smell strongest right after I used some pre-packaged metal polishing wipes on the blade. I know that I got some liquid on the scales as well. I wonder if the fading smell has to do with the last of the polishing residue being rinsed off...

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriton View Post
    I am thinking the oil may actually cause some breakdown of the rubber compound, but I do not know for sure - anyone else care to speculate?

    Bruce, I think the same - but do not know for sure


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