Whew!! We have been in a Arctic Freeze the last 2 days but its breaking tomorrow. I drive Medicaid patients to Drs visits, clinics, dialysis, etc and because of the Wind Chill warnings, snow, drifting and such almost all my runs were canceled. That means i was inside the house almost all day/ night until my wife got home from work about 11:00pm. Some of you guys might have noticed the excessive amount of posts that was way out of my norm.. Until about a half hour ago when i found out im back to normal work tomorrow I was starting to lose my marbles on the board here.. The swishing in my head, talking to the stuffed animal dog, talked to Hunter s Thompson on the phone, Putting on a yellow rain jacket/rubber rain boots, getting in shower and reciting Bill Murray in Cadyshack.. None of that seemed too bad but when i started texting my buddies and telling them... Cant wait to root on the Patriots!!! That was the moment!!.. That scared me.. Had to reel it in but everything is all good here... Hey I think thats Balto coming up the drive with my Diphtheria Antitoxin, been waiting for that Lol ...... I think i posted and responded about 50 times the last 2 days.. I do admit i was getting a little loopy with my posts at times... Tha k god i am back to normal in the mornimg.... Thats not an overload for some of you guys but i dont have nearly the knowledge and expertise to answer members questions and im terrible at my thumb hitting wrong letters and numbers that i could edit almost every post and that gets old fast so i ll just observe and occasionally post.. That explains all my posts and rambling and babbling on a little bit... Going a little stir crazy being cooped up and having my face and eyes fixated to a screen for what seems like 36hrs out of the last 48 kicked in a nice natural buzz though... Bright side to everything Grandma used to say.. Undortunetly i have a couple of real questions i need to post still ... Take care fellas, SMW