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Thread: Drew Dick/UK Maker

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Default Drew Dick/UK Maker

    So I was looking for google images of red mallee burl because I just ordered some from the site Roy recommended: http:// Patrick there was very helpful in agreeing to cut some wood blanks into more razor-friendly dimensions for a small fee. I went kind of wild and got that, some African blackwood, Gaboon ebony, desert ironwood, and even some inlace acrylester, so I am all set for summer projects. I got some more pin-stock and various collars from Austin, too, so now it's all about just carving out shop time.

    Anyway, I ran across Drew Dick's web-page and thought he has some interesting designs and uses some beautiful wood, all apparently lined with G10. I don't think I had heard of him before. Any of you UK guys know about him-Mark or Jaymie? Just curious. Aaron
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Never heard of him before, this is the only straight razor forum I go to so maybe his more well known in the UK forums.

    Name:  53353375_415637842593274_7432149751666152778_n.jpg
Views: 1584
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    His work looks pretty good so thanks for the lead Aaron, I will have to keep an eye out.

  3. #3
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    He seems to be popular on the FB shaving groups.
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  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    He is on here, and TSD

    He didn't like being asked about his Final Bevel angle and why he was using 5-10 layers of tape to hone his razors
    As soon as he was asked he disappeared off both forums and is only on FB now..

    I do NOT know if his new razors are corrected to proper bevel angles, I did a re-scale about a year ago and it needed 5 layers of tape to keep a small even bevel, I do NOT know when that razor was made...

    That is all i know

    Took me a bit to find the pics

    Name:  IMG_1208.jpg
Views: 1407
Size:  23.4 KB
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-15-2019 at 02:54 PM.
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
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  5. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    BobH (05-15-2019), cudarunner (05-15-2019), Dieseld (05-15-2019), Gasman (05-15-2019), markbignosekelly (05-15-2019), Steve56 (05-15-2019), tintin (05-15-2019)

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    He is on here, and TSD

    He didn't like being asked about his Final Bevel angle and why he was using 5-10 layers of tape to hone his razors
    As soon as he was asked he disappeared off both forums and is only on FB now..

    I do NOT know if his new razors are corrected to proper bevel angles, I did a re-scale about a year ago and it needed 5 layers of tape to keep a small even bevel, I do NOT know when that razor was made...

    That is all i know
    BobH and Dieseld like this.

  7. #6
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    I don't know Drew personally, I see his razors on Instagram, I have never honed one of his razors, so I really have no idea what they are like.
    BobH, Steve56 and Dieseld like this.
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