I got a wild hair. I've been learning the Jnats so I figured I should try to shave with a Kamasori. Found this one on eBay. It had a couple of small chips on the toe but I figure I could fix that. After fixing the toe I bet I didn't lose more than half a mm. Picked it up for a decent price range and got it in the mail today. This first pic is the seller's pic. I had to zoom in to see the chips he wasn't mentioning in the listing...

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When I got it the blue handle was dirty and the blade was tarnished so after a little cleaning and repairing of the edge I watched Glen's vid on honing these things. Not too difficult so I went for it. Here is what it looks like after honing and stropping.

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And a look at the edge I put on it. There was a little hone wear but not really much. The bevel at the toe is not perfectly even but pretty close.

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I felt it wouldn't be right unless I finished it on a Jnat and stropped it on a Kamayama so I did. Its popping hairs nicely. Maybe the toe could have used a little more work. Now to watch a vid or two on how the shave with one of these.