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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Back to OP, I would like to hear more on this, because I was considering buying such a razor myself...

    I think Lynn should be the best person to explain. I am sure he'd hone them for you, but you can't always send them away for this so it would be great to know how to deal with this (or is it just a defect in a particular razor / batch)


  2. #12
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Tact? who needs tact around here, just speak your mind!

    Its not the technique that is doing most of the the job its the media you are using. Of course technique is important in honing and stropping but as far as the sharpening goes the media is doing the work there. Backhoning on a hone is used only to break off a wire edge. If you do it to any extent you will actually undo the honing you accomplished and wind up with a duller razor. With a strop your using leather with media of one kind or another on it and its that media in combination with the leather that is doing the work plus if you strop with a forward motion you will cut the strop up.

    If you want any more detailed an explanation maybe Lynn or Tony or one of the honemeisters can explain it some more. I can't. However if you don't believe me get yourself a well honed razor and backhone on a 8K or coticule for 50 or so strokes and then see how sharp it is.
    Huh? You've done a good job of explaining the outcome. That being said your explanation of how it gets that way makes about as much sense as Rosie O'Donnell in spandex.

    Sorry for the visual.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I never said I was a honing Guru. Besides, when you go to the car dealer to buy a new car do you ask the salesperson to explain how every component in the car works?
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I never said I was a honing Guru. Besides, when you go to the car dealer to buy a new car do you ask the salesperson to explain how every component in the car works?
    You certainly don't speak as if you know when you don't Sir!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I never said I was a honing Guru. Besides, when you go to the car dealer to buy a new car do you ask the salesperson to explain how every component in the car works?
    That's not the pertinent question. If the salesman chimed in with an explanation of how the transmission worked and it didn't make any sense at all I would most definitely ask him to clarify.

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonedangerousli View Post
    That's not the pertinent question. If the salesman chimed in with an explanation of how the transmission worked and it didn't make any sense at all I would most definitely ask him to clarify.

    JMS: One more post to a thousand. Make it a good one!
    It ended up in the "God" thread . I didn't even notice until after I posted.
    I marked it for posterity!

  7. #17
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    I use only pasted strops from 3 micron to 1 micron and last .5 micron. The chips hone out fast and I get very nice shaves.


  8. #18
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Are you using the pasted strops between shaves? If so which ones? There really should be no reason to use a pasted strop between shaves.

    BTW, I will be out of town for about a week so I cannot follow this thread for awhile.

    Just my two cents
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  9. #19
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    Red face

    Use a pasted strop on a $1000 razor after each shave?! What kind of a #$#@@$ fool do you think I am? LOL I stopped using the razor because I did not want to hone it any more, even on a relatively gentle pasted strop. I have honed the razor three times and stopped to preserve the blade.


  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you use chromium you'll have a pretty tough time "using up" the blade... But you are right - leather only should do for many shaves

    I think I remember that sometimes these razors need to be honed for a long while to stop microchipping. The same also holds true for some hand-made $2000 and more Japanese chisels. They chip and chip for a while, and then BAM - stay and work perfect. Or so I'm told

    In this light - maybe you still have not put in the time to get there. But I agree - it's not too smart to experiment on such a razor, unless for you it's really pocket change.

    What's Lynn saying about this?


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