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Thread: Date or info on two bokers and a cataraugus?

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Date or info on two bokers and a cataraugus?

    Picked up these at an antique store, polished and honed them myself, and they all shave spectacularly now! Such a fun thing to learn!

    The Boker 376 scales have a slight odor which I'm interpretting as rubber. I know celluloid puts off a scent as well but celluloid tends to be shinier, these appear almost porous and very dull.

    The Boker model 1091 is just gorgeous but sadly is offcenter, I ponder risking changing the scales but they're so pretty..

    If a closer look at the tree stamp would help, I'm happy to grab another picture. I've looked through the stamps on the boker info over at strazors and things, looks at the 1906 catalog I saw there too but am still a bit unclear about both of these bokers.

    All 3:
    Name:  three-razers.jpg
Views: 136
Size:  40.4 KB

    Cataraugus stamp:
    Name:  cataraugus-stamp.jpg
Views: 127
Size:  68.0 KB

    Boker 1091
    Name:  boker-1091-stamp.jpg
Views: 142
Size:  58.0 KB
    Name:  boker-1091.jpg
Views: 134
Size:  17.1 KB

    Boker 376 stamp:
    Name:  boker-376-stamp.jpg
Views: 122
Size:  74.8 KB
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by CpnStumpy; 07-02-2022 at 11:33 PM.

  2. #2
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Nice razors, equally nice work. I'm especially impressed that you left the patina on the Cataraugus Cutlery -- I know how difficult it is to resist doing otherwise.

    Smooth shaving!
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I like the razors, you made a good score.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    So here's my best guess on the Boker's, and I'm interested if anyone agrees / disagrees or can speak to the stamps better..

    Per - all about classic razors - H.Boker & Co, Solingen. the tree stamps show distinctions in the roots, and whether the bump on the right exists or not. From the stamps shown there, I have been guessing these Bokers are both pre-1900, the 1091 is in fact shown in the 1906 catalog indicated there, but the stamp is different: It has "H. BOKER & CO" arched above the tree, as opposed to the orientation of mine.

    So, does anyone have any idea about whether that arched H. BOKER & CO above tree is older or newer than the other orientation as seen in my bokers here? Again, based solely on the trees roots and the lump, I've been guessing the 1906 catalog showing the arched stamp indicates a newer stamping than the one I have here.

    If that's accurate, then I would have to guess these bokers are between 1870-1900 from the info on the strazor site mentioning pre-1869 it was Boker Cutlery but not Boker & CO

    Can anyone corroborate any of what I'm interpreting? Contradict it?

    Thanks to everyone here for your patience and knowledge! The history and age of these which I can actually use makes them so much more interesting I think

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