I love the bokers and I will be looking for the thursday and friday for the set. Let me know if you have any leads. I also need a back scale to the fancy carved ivory one. It is damaged and I want to complete it. That scrimshaw is done on celuloid ivory on the back side of the razor with the gold wash on the blade. It is incredible. The scale has been repaired but I don't care. It is too cool. I also love the one with the picture in the scale. The blade is broken but the scales are awesome. And lets just say you won't be seeing the M&W around here any time soon. I have 9 ivory, 2 bone, 2 celuloid, and 2 tortoise in those pictures. I will get those tortoise back in shape especially because the spines are worked. And they won't be hitting this market either. Add to that some NOS Joseph Rodgers, NOS W&B's, other good condition sheffields, and some turn of the 18th century razors and you have a pretty good collection all in 1 day.