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  1. #1
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Default Blade too long for scales

    Okay, I need some advice...

    I was curious about all the fawning over the Dubl Ducks so I ebayed myself a SatinEdge. Upon receipt I noticed that the blade was wedged between the scale and the spacer.
    The blade nearly reaches to the pin. Clearly this was not supposed to be the case so either the scales shrunk or the razor was re-pinned. The scales don't seem to be distorted or bent in any way and the pins don't seem to have been disturbed so I'm not sure what led to its current state. Certainly using the razor in its present condition puts the blade in peril.

    I notified the seller that A) I was less than thrilled that this issue was not mentioned in the listing B) the razor is not really usable in its present condition and C) that I was going to check with a few razor experts for advice before requesting some means of redress for this problem.

    The funny thing is that this is the first razor that I gave a damn about the scales. I'm more interested in the form and function of the blades but the novelty and branding of the Dubl Duck scales seem to be part of their charm and cost. I am thinking that the best solution is to take the scales apart and drastically shorten the spacer but its pin-hole would have to be extremely close to the edge of the spacer. Unfortunately I have not yet ever taken the scales of any razor apart and this is not the one I want to learn on.

    So, experts, what is your advice?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    My first piece of advice, would be can we see some pics??????....
    Please, and if possible get some shots from straight above, and straight below the razor, as well as close ups of the pivot pin, and the wedge pin....

  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I'll try to do that tomorrow. I guess I'll have to learn how to post photos now.

  4. #4
    Professional Cat Herder w12code3's Avatar
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    I had a simlar problem with an Ern...

    I recently picked up this poor old razor. Obviously someone rescaled it with the wrong scales... fortunately the scales were absolutely nothing special anyhow so off they came. I am currently exploring my options for rescaling it.

    I know that was no help to you but hopefully it makes you feel better that your not the only one this has happened to.


  5. #5
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Some times on my DDs the butt pin loosens up and the wedge turns slightly causing the tip to hit it... annoying but easily fixed. Ohter ducks i have the scaled have actually warped a bit and for sentimental reasons i do not want to change the scales. I combatted this problem (it will work for the ERN posted as well) byt taking a hacksaw blade, runnining it through the scales and carefully sawing away a little of the spacer until the tip of the blabe clears it by an eighth of an inch or so. be very carefull as you can quickly cut into the scales and ruin them.
    Be just and fear not.

  6. #6
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    I've encountered this problem with a couple of the Satinedges.

  7. #7
    Professional Cat Herder w12code3's Avatar
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    Hi Jim,

    Good idea, unfortunately the blade wouldn't clear the pin... I checked Hopefully it works for Utopian though!

  8. #8
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Am I to get this straight that the blade actually extends past the end PIN itself? Well if there is no other pivot hole and the scales look to be in their original condition, then it must be a re-pin. I can't imagine scales warping so much that the actual end pin is into the territory of the blade. If this is the case then your options are: return the razor or make/get new scales for the blade and a new blade for the scales. This second option might seem to defeat your purpose since the scales are what kind of drew you to the razor. My question would be how much did you pay for it? If it was cheap and the blade is in great shape, then just re-scale it. If however you paid a lot expecting a satinedge in good shape, I would be upset. Seeing as how there may be no easy solution for fixing it yourself, I would not attempt it alone unless you feel confident or have some practice first.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My advice is to post "WTB scales for a duck" or hunt ebay for a crappy broken blade DD and buy it cheap for the scales (to replace on yours). I have seen such examples go for $10 (just for the scales). Heck, someone may even give you scales for free here. I gave free scales for a Puma 91 once...

    Seems that a number of these scales shrink - I have seen it on DD, Red Imp, and several other very well-known brands that I can't remember specifically. The seller may know zilch about razors, btw...

    Oh, just remembered - you can have one of our great artisans here make you nice wood, horn, or even clear scales for it. Gary (Traveller) and Damon I think used to make clear or coloured scales, and there are many who work wood. Iwan (Steelforge) has a Satinedge with nice olivewood scales, it's one of his favorite shavers, iirc

    Good luck

  10. #10
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I've had this issue before too. An angle grinder works wonders

    (on the face of the seller, I mean...)

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