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  1. #1
    Senior Member Strapped-4-Cache's Avatar
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    Default Ransom & Randolph - Valentine Model?

    Hi All,

    I had my camera with me while checking out another local antique store, and they were nice enough to let me get a picture of this. Anyone have any ideas about the quality/maker of this one?

    One side of the shank has "Valentine" surrounded by scrollwork. The other side, shown in the attached picture, says "Made in Germany for Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo O."

    The spine has very minor pitting and discoloration, as does the shank, but the rest of the blade, and the edge, seem fine. The blade is a 4/8.

    The box, which does not match the razor, says "F.A. FLINN OMAHA NEBR" and "DIAMOND EDGE WEDGE".

    I'm considering purchasing, but would appreciate any input about whether this is worth buying. If it is, what's a reasonable purchase price, or a price worth offering if their price is high?

    I understand that german-made razors were supposed to be good, but I have no idea on this one. I don't want to waste money on something that won't/can't provide good shaves.

    Thanks for any input.

    - Mark (S-4-C)
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  2. #2
    Senior Member 0o.Mark.o0's Avatar
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    To look at it from your picture, I would pass. Then again I've got too many right as is . A couple months ago.... maybe.

    It looks like it has a fair bit of relatively even hone wear. So, all in all, if it is cheap go for it. Worst case scenario its a practice razor to loan out to friends.

    I don't recognize the maker.


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