I have a Chinese Double Arrow that I ordered from our esteemed Polish friend (don't ask me to remember his name now), and it is in my shaving rotation. It's actually the largest razor I have, so I have to remember to keep the angles right on my face, but that's not a problem. It also has a nice smiling profile, which I *love*.

After reading about the Tim Zowada microbevel idea for razors, I slapped a couple of pieces of electrical tape on the spine and honed it up, stropped it up (pasted diamond and newspaper) and give it the old shave... it was even sharper and smoother than before.

Mine has no stamping on the tang like some of the older Double Arrow razors. The scales are embarrassing plastic, but they open and close without hitting anything and they serve their purpose. They do not have a storied history like TIs, Dovos, Wade and Butchers, Robesons, Filomarnicas, etc, but I read recently that someone bought one 20 years ago, didn't use it for awhile, then recently brought it out of mothballs to get some wicked awesome shaves. I didn't realize they've been around even that long.

I love my Double Arrow razor. Would I buy another one? (If I needed another new razor) an unqualified yes, especially given the price... but it helps if you like honing... if I got one that wasn't sharpened correctly, I might get frustrated at the whole endeavour, but I had great success with mine "out of the box".