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  1. #1
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    Default Double arrow question?

    Good day,
    I just received two double arrow razors from stamps222 on ebay yesterday. I have seen a lot of chatter about these razors and most of it is very positive about the quality of the shave provided. Most of the negative is about the scales. The scales are definitely crap. One of the blades looked really good, it honed up nicely and just gave me a really clean shave. The other blade looks a little wonky. The spine on the front side of the blade sits a couple of millimeters below the spine on the back side of the blade. This can be seen by looking straight at the blade. Will this affect the ability of this razor to be honed properly? He does have a no questions asked return policy, should I return the razor or see if he will exchange it?

    Thanks in advance for any advise. I know Kenrup has plenty of experience with these. Anyone else?

  2. #2
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    no, you will just have to hone it a lot and the blade will eventually take a bevel that matches the spine. pix would be helpful. for the time being, I suggest honing as if there is a strong smile or frown to the blade; sounds like yours is sneering

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I honed up one that was worse than that! Just give it a try first.

    PS, all the Double Arrows have a smile profile to the edge. The grinding leaves a bit to be desired on them also. But they hone up easily.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    Thanks for responding guys. It's not the smile of the razor that I am concerned with it is actually the spine. I will try to get a picture up today but if you look at the blade straight on the toe or like a cross section you can see the spine is lower on one side than it is on the other by a millimeter or two. The angle I am talking about is just like the 5th thumbnail Jockeys posted on an earlier thread here in razors, " some new acquisitions, any info" This problem seems like it would give the bevel a slightly different angle from one side to the other. I don't know, pics to come.

    Thanks again,

  5. #5
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    well, if it's shaped like that razor, then hopefully it will sharpen up as well, that razor is one of my best shavers! seriously, if the bevel changes a little from toe to heel, it doesn't matter. if the change is continuous and smooth, you won't be able to feel it.

  6. #6
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Some of the old english razors have that situation. Don't worry about it.
    Just hone it up, it will be fine.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  7. #7
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    Thanks guys,
    I just honed the second arrow and it shaved really well. I touched up the first one that I honed and shaved with last night and it shaved even better!! I think I prefer the 7/8 of the double arrow to the 5/8 of my DOVO. I have a Wapi on the way and I can't wait!! Oh no, I'm hopelessly addicted.


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