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Thread: Why on Earth were Square Tips Produced - it beats me?

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onotoman Why on Earth were Square Tips... 11-15-2017, 08:32 PM
RezDog Those spike tips are not for... 11-15-2017, 08:49 PM
bluesman7 I'm a fan of both square... 11-15-2017, 08:58 PM
Butzy I never liked square tips for... 11-15-2017, 09:04 PM
neehooya Just like bluesman7, I really... 11-15-2017, 09:05 PM
DrDalton Aesthetically I like spike... 11-15-2017, 09:25 PM
Christian1 I prefer shaving with square... 11-15-2017, 11:44 PM
Steve56 I'm in the square tip club,... 11-16-2017, 12:10 AM
JP5 Definitely less worried about... 11-16-2017, 12:32 AM
rideon66 For me it is essential that... 11-16-2017, 01:43 AM
Brontosaurus "Why on Earth were Square... 11-16-2017, 01:45 AM
GreenRipper I'm another one of those who... 11-16-2017, 02:27 AM
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    Default Why on Earth were Square Tips Produced - it beats me?

    Hi Guys,

    A collector sent me five very fine razors for restoration and honing recently and amongst them were a nice Dubl Duck SatinEdge and a Vesuvius with Grim Reaper Scales that I have also seen on a Dubl Duck razor. Maybe the same maker for both razors?

    Anyway, both have very severe square tips. I thought before shave-testing, that these were accidents waiting to happen and although I was very cautious, I still managed to gouge myself twice. These things would be absolutely lethal for a beginner and to be honest, it they were mine and for shaving rather than collection purposes, I'd slightly grind the tip edge rounder.

    Sacrilegious to many I'm sure but I just cannot see the point (sorry for the pun) of these severe square tips.

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    Last edited by onotoman; 11-15-2017 at 08:34 PM.

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