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  1. #1
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Default what's the price point for you collectible/custom?

    all right guys, I'm curious, I was looking at a razor that started off reasonable. great condition with gorgeous bright lemon yellow handls. but the price looksl ike it'll end at 100 or higher. Large Clara Solingen Germany 488 Straight Razor w/Case - eBay (item 380048532702 end time Jul-29-08 18:40:00 PDT)

    it seems that at that point you're starting to get into the custom realm. those wacker's are 185 with buffalo handles. of course the chandler's, ellis' are more money probably than the wackers. I'm just wonderig what the reasoning is behind paying so much for an antique that to the untrained me isn't higher quality than say the wacker.



  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    The reasoning is simply, how bad do you want it compared to the other guy? The bids reflect how much someone wants that particular razor. I know that's an obvious statement but I thinks it's the best answer to your question.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    maybe I didn't ask it right, I get that somebody wants it more than the other guy. what I'm curious about, is for other members here, at what point do you decide you'd rather have a nice custom razor rather than the collectible one that you may or may not be willing to shave with?


  4. #4
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    First of all, I don't believe in collecting. I believe in honoring by using.

    As for the price point, if would depends a bit on the type of steel and the scales. Is it plain steel or damascus, wootz, tamahagane? And are the scales celluloid or ivory? Things like that.

    But given that 300$ goes a long way in custom razors, that would be the turning point for me.
    For more than 300$ I can get a nice custom razor that will be made to my specifications.
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  5. #5
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    While I really like some of those high priced ebay razors, and the customs are also beautiful, I can't imagine getting one for myself. I'm a grad student and, like Bruno, I'm a shaver. The razors that I have range in price from about $20 to $125 (don't ask which one was $20, I'll never say), and they are all outstanding shavers.

    I know the customs and highend's would also provide superior shaves, but I feel that their prices are too high and the extra money is due to the "one of a kind" and aesthetics. Would I buy them if I could afford them? Absoloutely. Would I keep them? Only if they shave better than what I have.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think in general about $350 starts custom territory but thats for a pretty basic razor made by someone who is not world class. if you want a world class maker it would probably start closer to about $600+. I don't think I would ever pay more that $300 for any vintage no matter the brand or how bad I wanted it. It would have to be really special to pay that much. To me there is a limit here. The vintage aspect does not outweigh the thought of getting a nice conservative custom for not much more.
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  7. #7
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    I think it depends on how bad one wants something. Often it gets into a contest, with each bidder thinking "Over my dead body" each time they are outbid, and it becomes a p*ssing contest as the ante is raised higher and higher.
    I also think part of it has to do with forums such as this one, which has a two fold effect. One word mentioned about a razor up for auction is sure to bring much more attention to the razor, not just from members, either. Inevitably many many snipe softwares are set, and someone who was previously sitting quietly suddenly watches their razor soar out of sight. The other way forums such as this affect prices, is we have members who lovingly restore, polish, hone, and even add new scales to razors, and then list them for resale at a fair price for their workmanship and effort. Unfortunately, the eBay community watches these prices, and skim right over the hours of workmanship part to the price. Suddenly every hack with a rusted out Dubl Duck Special No. 1 "honed" on a bench grinder until it looks like a tent stake....thinks it's worth 100 bucks. Others, seeing DD No. 1's go for this, also believe it to be worth this price,
    and the prices therefore go higher, and higher and higher.

    Anyway. This concludes my latest endless run-on sentence.

    People pay what they think a razor is worth, unless they are simply trying to "beat the other guy". Too often, the latter is actually what happens, and just as often, what someone thinks a razor is worth is skewed for the reasons listed above.

    John P.

  8. #8
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    why oh why oh why oh why do I STILL click on eBay links that people post.

    It will only end in tears....

  9. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    My most prized razor is a 200 yr old John Barber that I bought for 99ct, covered in rust and grime.
    I restored it and brought it back to as-new condition.
    Razors like that are my pride and joy.

    Just buying a vintage in mint condition doesn't feel the same. And I couldn't afford them of course.
    My specials really feel like I earned them, and they cost me almost nothing except for a lot of hard work, which is fun.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #10
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    My most prized razor is a 200 yr old John Barber that I bought for 99ct, covered in rust and grime.
    I restored it and brought it back to as-new condition.
    Razors like that are my pride and joy.

    Just buying a vintage in mint condition doesn't feel the same. And I couldn't afford them of course.
    My specials really feel like I earned them, and they cost me almost nothing except for a lot of hard work, which is fun.
    I've just read a similar post from you Bruno in another thread! I thought I was re-reading your posts. My head is spinning....

    So apparently you like your first resto?

    It does look good I must say....

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