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Thread: Your baby

  1. #1
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    Default Your baby

    Ok so i know that most of if not all of us have a COLLECTION of straight razors, but which one is "your baby?" Which one is the one you will take to your grave, the one you like the most. It doesnīt have to be your best shaver just your favorite.

    Mine is the very firt one i bought. Itīs a 5/8 Henckels Platinum Dry Hone razor. Itīs not much of a looker but itīs my baby :-D Iīm actually in El Salvador so i canīt post pictures :-/

    Whatīs yours?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Jacques13's Avatar
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    Great razor but it would be nice to see it....if you get a chance to post pics.

  3. #3
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    I haven't settled on my favorite yet. I'm still playing the field...

  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I find this to be a very difficult question to answer. I've only had straights for a few months, but I've had a lot pass through my hands. Since I limit myself to only seven (or try to anyhow), all of the razors in my rotation are fantastic blades that I really like.

    If I could only have one blade, it would probably be the W&B Bow. While she is on the larger side, about 6/8 and a heavier half hollow, she's very manuverable and a fantastic shaver.

    The Revit and Friodur would probably be tied in a close second. The Revit took a wicked edge faster than any other razor I've honed, but she's on the smaller side and has a small tang, which makes her a little harder to hold. The Friodur also knocks my socks off, but I think she might be a bit on the big side to be a daily razor.

    But if my one blade was going to sit in a showcase and not be a shaver, it would be the Savage, hands down. She's my favorite blade, though she's not my favorite shaver. I love the size, but it's a bit harder to handle.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I don't have a fave. I'm also still playing the field. My "go to" daily shaver for the past few months has been a DD Dwarf spike point. It gives me comfy close shaves.

    My favorite razor to LOOK at but so far not yet honed is a W&B huge meat chopper I scored earlier this year at an antique show. Just a beauty.

    Chris L
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  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Hmmmm

    I think I've seen this thread before but I still love answering them, as we progress farther and farther into this hobby more and razors pass through our hands and opinions change...
    I have quite a few great shaving razors, and have had even more come to me for Honing and Restoration services. I test shave every razor before they go home to you guys, so I get to test some nice stuff, which l then put on my should get one list

    Some of the ones that I would hate to part with include my Craftsman, C-Mon's, Hess's. Beau Brummel's, and Otto Deutsch.... My DD collection has a couple that would be hard to part with too.....

    But still my "Baby" is my little Mack the Knife, yeah yeah you guys are sick of me saying it, but somebody is always asking this question

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have too many I enjoy using to really pick just one. If you put a gun to my head an told me to pick one I guess I'd be dead!
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  8. #8
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    I say that your first straight razor experience is like losing your virginity. You always remember your first time.

  9. #9
    Stubble Slayer
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    Asking to name your favorite razor is like asking which one of your kids do you love the most.

  10. #10
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Well, I still have and use my first one: an 11/16 weltmeister hollow ground. nothing fancy.

    But his one is my pride and joy, and I will never sell it if I can help it.
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