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Thread: A hollow apology

  1. #1
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    Default A hollow apology

    My first two razors were full hollow Henckels Friodurs. I liked them, but then after trying a couple of other razors (Dovo Renaissance, vintage LeGrelot) I sold them, as they seemed to give a harsher shave on my face than the new razors.

    I chalked it up to the new razors having a stiffer grind. The Renaissance is a hollow, but not as hollow as the Friodurs, and the blade is quite stiff. The vintage LeGrelot is maybe a 3/4 grind.

    I then proceeded on to get a 1/4 grind LeGrelot, and restored a W&B wedge, and all was well in the shave den. Actually, the W&B wedge is my smoothest shaver, really very, very nice, and seeming to confirm my notion that a heavier grind is the way to go to shaving nirvana.

    I recently spent a week in Osaka on business and brought the stainless Renaissance with me. It had been a couple of weeks since I had used it (1/4 grind LeGrelot and W&B wedge had been the previous two weeks rotation). I realized that it did indeed shave quite differently than my heavier grind razors, yet I still really enjoyed the shave, and felt that I needed to use a lighter touch when using it. This got me to re-think my stance on heavier versus lighter grinds...

    I just recieved a full hollow Otto Busch Worldmaster on Friday. Nice razor. What I'm finding is that it makes me have to use a light touch. The wedgey blades I can push all around my face without much thought and they give a nice shave, they just plow on through like a tank. Nothing wrong with that actually!

    With the full hollow if I bear down too much it starts to feel harsh, so I have to back off a bit. And the audio feedback is more with the full hollow as well, a much louder shave. If the angle is getting too steep the tone changes, and you can adjust to it.

    It's like the scene in the old Kung Fu TV show, where Kwai Chang has to walk lightly across the rice paper so that it does not tear.
    YouTube - Kung Fu - Rice Paper Walk

    Anyhow. I think that now I am coming around to realize that the issue wasn't that full hollows didn't shave me as well as heavier grinds. What was going on was that I couldn't shave as well with a full hollow as I could with a heavier grind. I now feel that a full hollow makes me have to be a better shaver.

    My apologies to full hollow razors everywhere!

    The happy ending to this story is that there are now that many more razors on my radar screen for aquisition now!


  • #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Another razor junkie is born!
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  • #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    I completely agree. I went through a similar phase with the heavier grinds. Then I realized the heavier blades were masking my bad technique. After that lesson, I learned to take all of my "conclusions" with a grain of salt and realized that they might change in the future.


  • #4
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    Ah you should have let me know you were going to Osaka. I need a good excuse to visit Osaka, and meeting someone from SRP would be the perfect excuse.

    Oh well theres always next time.

    Back on topic, I kinda like hollows, not to sure, my feelings about wedges.

  • #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by OLD_SCHOOL View Post
    Ah you should have let me know you were going to Osaka. I need a good excuse to visit Osaka, and meeting someone from SRP would be the perfect excuse.

    Oh well theres always next time.

    Back on topic, I kinda like hollows, not to sure, my feelings about wedges.
    I'm headed back to Osaka (and Kumamoto for a couple of days) in September sometime.

  • #6
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    I, also, noticed that my technique... particularly the 'angle' had to be changed with my full hollows vs. my thicker blades.

  • #7
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I have come to much the same conclusions myself .Over the last couple of years I've tried & enjoyed wedges 5/8 6/8 7/8 le grelot 1/4 hollows old english 1/4 hollows 7/8 Maestro livi 6/8 Thiers &half hollow thiers ,Japanese razors, & quite a few Dovos 6/8 & 5/8 Henkells ect. But now I am very happy using my 2 Dovos 5/8 Bigersher lowe & Bismark super. Ive now decided to settle with these 2 But I am lusting after a 6/8 dovo special that Lynn has on his site & as soon as I've sold the 2 Thiers 5/8 half hollows that Iv'e put up for sale I may well order one of those.
    I am now thinking that the preshave prep is as important as a sharp blade .Paul

  • #8
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Interesting... I had exactly the same experience and came to the same conclusion. At one point, I was about to sell off my full hollow grinds. Glad I didn't.

  • #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by netsurfr View Post
    Interesting... I had exactly the same experience and came to the same conclusion. At one point, I was about to sell off my full hollow grinds. Glad I didn't.
    Yeah, I figured the guys who werre on the full hollow bandwagon just had effeminate gossamer beards that didn't require a "real man's" razor.

    I'm looking forward to getting better with the full hollows!

  • #10
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    Interesting post. But no need to apologise. I don't think the best has been made yet and I'm sure you will discover new razors you prefer.

    I've tried many razors and my favourites are always SMOOTH.
    Some razors are and some are not. It's almost as if different batches of steel work and other batches don't.

    As to hollow v's wedge, weight v's light, you may find that you prefer different razors at different ages and stages in your life.

    Your beard will change as you get older. Variety and experimentation is part of the fun of it all.

    Having said that my son is waiting for some form of lazer treatment to be invented.

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