Just a quick update. I shaved with it again tonight and ouch, I must change my technique some with this razor. I have been using full hollow ground razors since I started with a straight a couple of years ago and this one seems totaly different to me. It feels much heavier and I don't get as much feedback as with my others. I got alot of razor burn on my neck tonight, I know that has alot to do with the angle at wich I was using. I have been getting sloppy and not paying attenion. I also have a heavy hand with this razor, not a good thing. I still like the razor, it just needs some getting used to. The other thing is I've had a goatee forever and a day and I recently decided to go naked there so that is really bothering me when shaving, I don't have alot of practice in that area. So the razor is a keepre anyways I just feel like a newbie with it
