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  1. #1
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    Default A straight for my lady

    Well hello there, straight razor aficionados! This is my first post on this forum, and I think I'll really enjoy hanging out here.

    On to my question: Recently, my girlfriend has found an interest in straight razor shaving, I guess after watching me shave (just so you know, I'm really a newbie myself). So I promised I'd look into getting a razor for her as well, and since her shave is very different from mine (ofcourse ) I figured that perhaps the razor should be aswell. I had heard about this forum, went here, found the Ladies Corner and browsed it, finding some interesting posts. This thread, and especially this post gave me some good clues:

    Miss Parker seems in addition to a thinner blade also prefer a shorter one, which makes perfect sense to me, considering armpits etc. What I'm wondering is, do razors with blades as short as 2" or 2.5" come straight from manufacturers, or would that require a custom job? I've browsed a few manufacturers and retailers websites, and I've actually never seen information about length given anywhere.

  2. #2
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Hello! First of all, welcome to the comunity. Both you and the lady will feel very much at home.
    Unfortunately I am not the best suited to help concerning this particular topic. However length concerned threads have appeared quite often. I'd advise you to go through a thread called "project coochie razor"... it is both fun and a very good source for information concerning the shortening of blades to suit the refered purposes... at least that's what I grasped.
    Any questions that might appear will be answered by the more experienced gentlemen - I'm not part of that particular lot myself... - and, concerning lady business, by the Ladies in this comunity.

    By the way... how's your shave? All going as intended? Ask away if necessary!

    And again, WELCOME!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to fpessanha For This Useful Post:

    Cedar (08-25-2008)

  4. #3
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum!!!
    While I can't help you with questions about a short razor, please feel free to ask questions about your own shave. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to netsurfr For This Useful Post:

    Cedar (08-25-2008)

  6. #4
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Hi Cedar,
    About 5-6 months ago, a female member joined and decided to try a straight. Now, this was mostly for facial hair, so much of her posts probably wouldn't apply to what you're asking about. But, if I remember correctly, there were more than a few mentions of unusual sized razors and such best suited for women.
    Her member name was something like 'Yes I can', and she was really into the whole deal there. Bought a bunch of razors and supplies. Hmmmmmm, haven't seen her for a while now.
    Sorry I don't know how to do a member search, but you could try looking at her threads for possible info.
    Hope that helps,
    Last edited by De Layne; 08-25-2008 at 12:48 AM.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to De Layne For This Useful Post:

    Cedar (08-25-2008)

  8. #5
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by De Layne View Post
    Hi Cedar,
    About 5-6 months ago, a female member joined and decided to try a straight. Now, this was mostly for facial hair, so much of her posts probably wouldn't apply to what you're asking about. But, if I remember correctly, there were more than a few mentions of unusual sized razors and such best suited for women.
    Her member name was something like 'Yes I can', and she was really into the whole deal there. Bought a bunch of razors and supplies. Hmmmmmm, haven't seen her for a while now.
    Sorry I don't know how to do a member search, but you could try looking at her threads for possible info.
    Hope that helps,
    If I recall correctly - and I did notice that member because then this site was still without ladies to keep us company and keep us well behaved - the name was "yeshedoes" or something in those lines. But I recently did a search for that member - because I was interested in knowing what became of her - and didn't find anything. My guess is that she disapeared in the big crash... I'm sure that she didn't leave on account for some rude comment; that's not our style here.

  9. #6
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    Thankyou for the warm welcome! I feel at home already .

    fpessanha, thanks for telling me about "pcr". It was an interesting read, indeed. I got the feeling that original short blades are hard to come by, except for that 2" Joseph Rodgers one people only mentioned custom mades, if I'm not mistaken. I've done some more surfing, and yet again failed to find any information concerning the length of the available razors.

    So I figure we've got two options - either we buy a thin, normal length razor like this one (got it from the pcr-thread), or we go for a custom made (I guess I should be using the phrase "custom remade" instead). Could that be done for a reasonable price, I wonder? Do you agree with what I'm saying, or is my thinking way off?

    De Layne, thanks for the tip! Sadly I too was unable to find her, but oh well, I guess we'll work it out anyway .

    As far as my own shaving goes, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! I got a Dovo Classic 5/8 presharpened, by recommendation from a friend. Nothing fancy, but a quality razor that does the job well. Or at least I think so, I haven't really got any previous experience to compare it with, haha. I'm slowly progressing, lovin' it, and I haven't cut myself too bad yet. I'm following a few guides I found on the net, and so far they've covered all questions I've had, but I won't hesitate to ask you guys should any problem arise!

  10. #7
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Glad you feel at home among us... this is a great comunity and indeed we'll answer all the questions you might have.

    Concerning the small razor for your lady: I suppose the 2/8 might be a good choice for such purposes... but if you are looking for a really small razor and you're willing to spend a bit more (or not...) you might go ahead and invest in a custom (re)made razor. I guess you can contact the members that were able to cut down razors for the PCR. I'm sure they will be helpful. Sorry I can't help any further...

    Concerning your own shaves: the razor you bought is quite similar to my first one... if you take good care of her, she'll take good care of you!

    Happy shaving!

  11. #8
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    Don't worry pal, I really appreciate your help. I'll look into the possibilities.

    And I promise you, I'll give her the best care I possibly can. She'll be spoiled rotten

    Happy shaving to you too, sir!

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