Hi guys,

Just wanted to open a thread for anyone who has any images of their or anyone else's unique or eccentric looking straight razors. I've been looking around lately and can't seem to find any images of where a razors' design has broken the mould so to speak - I'm talking really unique customs, eccentric sized blades, long or creative monkey tails, raw bark or horn scales etc. etc. Just Different designs. I know it's reached a point where we've figured out what "works" in the design of a razor as a funtional tool, and I'm not really talking about fantasy razors here either - I mean razors intended to be used, but that just bring something fresh and unique to the table. Like I've only ever seen one image of a razor with a really big smile to it - but surely they made more razors like that in the day..

You get what I mean right?

Anyways, if anyone's got some pics of really unique looking straights, post 'em here will ya.
