Hey guys,

Friend of mine (actually a good friend of my uncle so a friend through that connection) is in his mid 70's, tomorrow I'm going over to his place to pickup my uncle's truck and checkout the razors he has. they were his dads. He said he has about half a dozen of them, in good shape, a strop and a box of some sort. I don't know how it is all going to go down, but likely I'll write down info about them, maybe take some pics, then ask you all for how much you think I should offer him for it all.

just thought I'd share my excitement and get you all primed. also I'm going by my uncles storage van (50' trailer) and looking for a couple of strops he said are out there, they belonged to my great-great uncles, turns out that's where my first two straights (awaiting restoration) came from not my great-grandfather. and the cool thing, if I can find those strops I can take this beginner strop I'm using, along with the beginner razor I bought, and give them to a friend fo mine I talked into straight razor shaving!!!!! HA!
