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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Default Who is honing the Fillys at Classic now?

    I ordered a couple of the Filarmonica Doble Temples from Classic a few days back. I ordered them without the sharpening service since I want to hone them myself. Barbara from Classic called to say that the only Filly stock they have left is "pre-sharpened" for $20 extra (I don't recall that mentioned on the site but I may have overlooked it?). I asked her if Lynn had honed them and she said she didn't think so and said that Classic uses a few other guys to hone razors.

    Who honed those razors?

    Thanks for any info. I liked the $119 and the DIY price, but as long as I know who honed them, I'll most likely send Classic the additional $20 per razor.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I also was under the impression that Lynn did all of Classics's razors, perhaps she was just mis-informed....

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I'm going to try to get the honing service cost waived. I thought there was no mention of pre-honed on the site in regard to the Fillys I bought and I certainly didn't specify that. They went so fast I guess the only ones left were pre-honed. We'll see what happens.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

  4. #4
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    Hey guys,
    I ordered one two nights ago and I did order the honing service. Yesterday I got an email that the razor shipped so here is my email to them and their response. It is still not clear who is actually doing the honing but it does mean that I will get my razor sooner than I expected, I just hope it is really shave ready. My honing is fine and progressing but after four months, I figured it was time to see what Lynn's fork feels like so I hope we get to the bottom of this.

    To whom it may concern,
    I purchased a Filarmonica last night and today I received an email
    stating my order has shipped. I purchased the honing service, I
    wanted to double check where the razor is being shipped. I thought
    it had to go to Lynn Abrans first to be honed then shipped to me.
    Please contact me and let me know how that works as I just wanted to
    be sure my razor gets honed.

    Thank you,
    order #2053793

    Hello Dave,

    The razor is being sent directly to you because as it turns out we had a pre sharpened razor so we sent it to you.

    Please be assured the razor already went to the sharpening service and has been professionally sharpened and is shave ready.

    Thank you for your patience and patronage,
    Customer Service Team

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    If Lynn did not or is not honing these razors I would like to know who is. If someone else is honing them, I would have no reason to doubt that the honing would be up to par, but I think I'd be entitled to know who honed it. Kind of like enjoying a fine meal at a restaurant and wanting to know which chef cooked the meal for me type of thing.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

  6. #6
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Hi Guys,

    I have traditionally done all the honing for Classic Shaving. When they decided to sell pre-sharpened razors and have a lot of their stock done, they decided to share the love. Elbonater that you know from here has also honed some of these razors. I still do all the razors that come in for sharpening service.

    Thanks folks,

    Last edited by Lynn; 10-09-2008 at 08:12 PM.

  7. #7
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I ran into this same issue. I ordered a razor with no mention of a honing service and then found a message on my answering machine (stubbornly avoiding the term voicemail--it ain't mail and I won't call it that ) saying that they ONLY had pre-sharpened razors so they needed me to pay an additional $20. I emailed them and said that I ordered the $120 non-honed razor and, if possible, that is still what I wanted. If I knew for certain that it was honed by Lynn I would have sprung for it just for the sake of curiousity but I wasn't interested in an unknown honer--kinda like a negative version of what Chris said. Anyway, I got an email back from them declaring that they had just shipped me an unhoned razor, which is odd since they had told me less than 24 hours earlier that they only had honed razors left.

    Oh well, I'm happy because I'm getting a great razor at a great price. Since I already have one of these, this one is going to get stored away until I can convince one of my nephews to start shaving with it. The fact that the oldest one is only age five means that this razor will be waiting a while for its first use!

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    kinda like a negative version of what Chris said.

    The same thing happened to me. I had the same message: only "pre-sharpened" as they call them were left. After I asked her to find out who honed them and call me back, she called back and didn't have an answer on who honed them, but DID tell me they found some unhoned and were shipping out my order that I originally asked for (unhoned) and I see by email that the order has shipped. So......

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  9. #9
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Anyway, I got an email back from them declaring that they had just shipped me an unhoned razor, which is odd since they had told me less than 24 hours earlier that they only had honed razors left.
    How to un-hone a razor:

    YouTube - Straight Razor Honing on a Brick (This is a joke)
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  • #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Come on, Lee. Don't scare me like that! I recognized that vid and didn't even need to watch it!

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

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