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  1. #1
    Thread Killer shuredgefan's Avatar
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    Question Are Bokers made from extra hard steel?

    I've finally gotten around to honeing up a couple of vintage Bokers (a No.101 Red Injun and a King Kutter) and it's been a bit of a trial. I won't go into the honeing rigamarole as this isn't the honeing forum, but are Bokers made from harder steel than the run of the mill solengen razor I'm used to?

  2. #2
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    The Boker I have , a Piccadilly looks to me to be made of silver steel which has a silver colour wrathet than a grey color. It is harder than ordinary carbon steel and more brittle. I don't find it harder to hone like for example stainless steel. It feels stiffer than ordinary carbon steel as well.

    I also think it holds a superb edge and it is a particularly good example of the quality razors that come from Germany.

  3. #3
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    i have a 1930's Boker and it does seem harder to hone than other razors of the period, i'm guessing the steel is a bit harder. but some of the more modern razors are even harder to hone.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    I've very new...I have...and have honed/shaved with a whopping grand total of 3 razors.

    The hardest to hone was, by far, my Boker No.101 Red Injun!

    It was also worth it. I think it keeps its edge longer, and after 1 shave is silky smooth. (I know, that means my honing process is lacking somewhere...but I'm doing what I can.)

    I just love the extra weight of my newest acquisition. It took a suitable edge in no time, and is equally smooth but it I get the impression that as I spend more time going back and forth between the two I'll find the Boker keeps it's edge better. I only have a grand total of about 12 shaves between the two.

    So in short, your not alone. I asked basically the same question a week or two ago and the general consensus was that it was likely just a harder steel. That was when I was having fits getting it sharp. Now, I'm still not sure but don't care. It's a keeper

  5. #5
    Doc is offline
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    I hate to see you fellas fighting to sharpen those old bokers so if you would just pack them up and send them to me I would be happy to replace them with some razors that have softer blades.

  6. #6
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    I hate to see you fellas fighting to sharpen those old bokers so if you would just pack them up and send them to me I would be happy to replace them with some razors that have softer blades.
    A heck of a guy. Such a tempting offer..

  7. #7
    Senior Member Vashaver's Avatar
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    I honed a King Cutter about 2 weeks ago and it was hard as h3ll. But it was brought from a butter knife it took 2 sesions to get it off the finish hone the way I wanted. Its a real sweety now though. I have another cutter and a good as gold to do. Then I need to take some pics for the Brother Hood.


  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I haven't ever noticed that, especially on the 101 or King Cutter and I have done more of those than any of the other Bokers.... But it is all relative, from your forum name I would assume you have honed a Robeson Shuredge IMHO a harder steel than the Bokers.....

  9. #9
    Senior Member Vashaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I haven't ever noticed that, especially on the 101 or King Cutter and I have done more of those than any of the other Bokers.... But it is all relative, from your forum name I would assume you have honed a Robeson Shuredge IMHO a harder steel than the Bokers.....
    Yeah I agree that I have certanly honed much harder. I honed my first Torrey the same week that was maybe the hardest carbon I have ever honed in my limited time...setting the beval it was laughing at the 220 but it eventualy came around. That Southern&Richardson Sheffield I posted was darn close though.


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