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  1. #1
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    Default H. Boker Age Question

    This question came up in a different thread about ebay razors, but I didn't recieve any answers, so I decided to do some investigating on my own. I came across the history of H. Boker, from the Boker website:

    Böker - Your Knife Made In Solingen

    Now, my question: The attached photos picture a Boker razor I just grabbed from ebay for $30, but without the tree logo. Does anyone have any idea what the significance of this is?

    My thought is that the razor predates the logo, but I'm no expert and that just what I think is most likely. Any tips from experts would be greatly appreciated!

    Also, the below guide is helpful for dating a Boker.
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    Last edited by theworldover; 01-08-2009 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    My that is interesting. I have Boker's with the tree and not the name but that might be the first Boker i have seen without the tree.

    Wonder what Doc will have to say.

    as for it pre-dating the use if the logo... not all that likely the Germany marks it as newer than 1890 and i have seen the original logo on razors. Normally, the Boker name and logo is on the front where yours says "Barber's Pride" causing me to guess that perhaps these razor where made under contract for a wholesaler.
    Be just and fear not.

  3. #3
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    That's a great call, that perhaps it was contracted out for a local guy. I've heard about the country of origin thing being around then, 1890 or so. I've also heard of a lot of razors being called "Barber's Choice" including a Boker, but never a "Barber's Pride." Also, according to their history, there were several "Boker" companies in operation at once in different countries, so perhaps that lends some insight into the use of "germany" without the tree logo.

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