As far as different grinds and razors for different beards most here know I'm on a crusade. And with all due respect to Tony I just can't agree. Most know what I'm going to say here but I'll say it again anyway so here goes.

if you went into a barber shop back in the 1940s or 50s when barbers did shaves as a regular daily activity and they were highly competent at it you would see a variety of razors being used however what you would see are 5/8s and 6/8s razors for the most part and they would be full to double hollows. maybe a few old timers who learned on wedges and part hollows used them because that is what they were comfortable with but for the most part that's the way it was.

So since barbers managed to give everyone who walked into the shop a superb shave with what they had no matter the beard type how was this possible if you must use the proper razor for the correct beard type?

In the end my view is if you like a certain style or grind over another that's one thing but if you buy a razor thinking you must use a certain grind or size there are issues in the mix here.

As far as your problems with the TI are you sure you didn't degrade the edge while stropping? In any case contact the vendor and resolve the issue. if you paid for honing then it should be shave ready. In general when doing honing and touchups TIs take a little more than Dovo's to hone up. maybe the lead hardening process affects it.