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  1. #11
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    This is just the opinion of someone relatively new to straights (one month in now) but I would say in Australia the Bengall is a classic because it is reputed to give a good shave and is also very avaliable. It seems they were very popular in Australia before safety razors became popular and as a result it is fairly easy to find one still in good shape.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with Big Red. A model A Ford is a classic as is a '57 Chevy. The old W&Bs and the later FWE or Dubl Ducks qualify in my mind. There are many others.

    If you want some examples of classic razors you will find some member's favorites here.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #13
    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    A seller once told me that he values Wostenholms, Dubl Ducks and "some of the Swedish steel makers" most for the quality of the edges they can take.

  4. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Interesting post.

    The way I see it there is classic and there is classic. They have these classic car shows and the cars are classic? Maybe to collectors but I don't see anything classic about a chevy corvair or chevy nova. Or maybe you walk into a clothes shop and they sell classic suits. Whats classic about that? If you wore the suit in the 1930s or 1890s you'd look silly.

    To me what makes something classic is its a timeless item either design or function wise. If you can't buy it now well so much for timeless design. I would say a straight razor is a classic shaving implement because it has been relatively unchanged for a very long time and it can still be bought. A hollow ground razor is timeless also because its been around a long time and can still be bought but a true wedge? They don't make em anymore and haven't for a longtime unless a custom guy will do one for you so its not timeless its obsolete and not a classic to me. In ways razor brands long gone may be classic in the way the corvair is or that classic suit is.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Gentlemen, gentlemen,

    Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you not forgetting the ne among the plus ultras, the best of the best, the end-all of the be-alls, the most coveted among the most closely held, the head above all the shoulders? The CHRONIK!!!!

    I don't have one, but I know were I to have one and merely flash it in the mirror, the whiskers would jump off my face - such is the reputation of the CHRONIK!!! that stubble flees the safety of its follicles rather than suffering the indignity of defeat by the insuperable, the CHRONIK!!!

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