Quote Originally Posted by Blackstangal View Post
The more important thing is not the maker of these razors,but who's razors they were? If they belonged to a member of your family you just stumbled upon precious family heirlooms to pass down to your sons and their sons.So get busy and get those razors in shaving mode.That is one great find! CONGRATS!!
The history of them is unknown, due to their being found in my grandmother's house whilst cleaning for her estate sale. It's believe that they were one of my grandfather's, but which is unknown. I've every intent to clean them up to shaving-shape. I'm just really curious as to their history. I have yet to figure out a method for getting the inscription on the blade to show up when aiming my camera at it. Perhaps I'll try it in a different lighting environment, and see if that helps. Both of them possess very simple inscriptions. As I'm sitting here examining them, I'm beginning to think they're probably of a semi inexpensive brand. Partially due to the generations of frugality that existed on that side of the family, and partially due to the feel of them. I'm thinking that while one may have a rather ornate design, I'm beginning to think that both are actually just plastic. Hopefully, with my next post, I'll be able to provide you with some up-close pictures of the inscription.