I have a DOVO BEST QUALITY, BLACK 5/8 which is Full hollow carbon steel
A DOVO Micarta (white)

Now I dont hone so i cant comment on what is easier etc. gssixgun does all my honing

But I can tell you that they both shave great !

The Best Quality was my first and is I would sat more forgiving then a wedge as far as niks lol The round point makes it easier to work around the jawline by my earlobe which i want to keep.

The Micata is a sweet shaver as well and I truly love it. I dont find it heavier but I do feel it is different in the cut feel. Meaning the way it feels as it is cutting the wiskers. Very smooth feel and very easy to handle.
As far as the handles... well at 6'5" I dont have small hands so i may not notice if the handles are larger then the Best Quality but I honestly dont notice any wieght difference in them. I like the feel of the Micata and the thicker scales. It is definalty an upgrade and if you were to hold both I know you would agree.

In the end its up to you because they both shave GREAT and both will outlast me and eventually goto my son.

But I know you want a suggestion and I would say in the end you will be happier overall with the Micata. Its bold and beautiful and very easy to handle.

You will have to hear others chime in on the honig issues ...

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

PS... SRD is a GREAT place to buy from as you will get it FAST and honed super sharp and if there are any issues or questions you will be very well taken care of. SRD runs a 100% class operation that takes Pride before Profit very seriously.