This is just let you know .Recently i have noticed ebay seller sells razor which has been done grinding on the blade.Blade looks like shiny ,nice but when you start to hone you meet hell.Please this is not complaining on my side .i post this just to help you guys not to make mistakes in future.when you buy razor ask questions from the will help you to understand what are you buying it.
This blade had such a bad grinding job done it took me 3 hours just try to make a little same level back of the blade.i don't have any thing to grind blade and i did it just by honing.
I don't know is anyone has similar experience or not but this blade didn't have equial amount of the steel in the back of the blade.front had less steel then back side of the blade.this wasn't just the problem.In same side blade had more steel in the middle then tip and heel.
Hone this blade is similar to digging the ground with spoon to make ........
I will leave to the owner of the blade to reveal seller's name or not.
Again i put this thread just let you guys to know how to buy blade.It is not just shiny blade is the best option.
MY 0.02 cents