I just cleaned up this razor a bit and can now see a bit more engraving on the ivory tang. Given that it's a name on the top line followed on the second line with what now looks more like an address - I may have something that someone in W or NW Inner London can help with.

The first line seems the same as above (a name), However, the second line now appears to contain the following:

E18, C3 (or CT), PORTLAND ST.

Followed on the 3rd line the simple letter and period: W.

Could this be a gentleman's address in Inner West London? After poking around in Google I was able to find that at some point the past Inner London had street name changes, and what was once Portland Street is now Westport Street in the District E1.

I dont know the history of Weiss & Son but were they located there at one point - or is this even an address there?

Hope that raises a memory in someone! Still no photos because I can't find a lens that will catch the etching with the magnification and light angles needed.