Quote Originally Posted by John Crowley View Post
You should never tape the spine. You are working against the basic geometry of the blade. Eventually the bevel witll thicken. Your problem probably is that you don't need it as sharp as you think you do. Sharp for one person may or may not be sharp enough for the next.
Thanks John. The problem i was having was that though i was getting a good edge, I was finding that it didn't hold so well. After a few shaves i was noticing that it was getting duller.
After reading this thread, http://straightrazorpalace.com/basic...e-friodur.html, I experimented with taping a little more.
I know that i'm altering the geometry slightly, but find i've now got a good sharp & durable edge. I wouldn't add that much to a 5/8, but find that the 7/8's are so wide it has less of an effect & mine has responded well.